Example sentences of "try [verb] a better " in BNC.

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1 But is it the case that western women , living today in the United States , let alone in secular modern Europe , live in societies so dominated by the Christian myth , so ready to point to the place of women within the biblical tradition , that the best that women can do is to try to give a better reading of that past ?
2 I tried to get a better grip but to my horror my fingers began to run down the door like melting plasticine as I watched from my perilous vantage point .
3 The union will also try to provide a better class of men for the Merchant Service , and will see that crews join their ship punctually and in a sober condition ; it will help shipwrecked mariners ; it will provide assistance to members travelling in search of work ; it will establish a sick benefit and a burial fund .
4 But I will try to lead a better life . ’
5 The shark catches it by its feet , but as it tries to get a better grip the young bird is released and flaps into the air over the shark 's back .
6 I I would have made an oasis , and I would have er tried to achieve a better settlement
7 Primate tool use has been studied by anthropologists in the hope that it might tell us something about our own evolution ; by psychologists trying to obtain a better understanding of problem solving and intelligence ; and by animal behaviourists simply because the use of tools among wild primates is part of their natural repertoire of behaviour .
8 I knew there was no sense in trying to do a better one .
9 The conversation between the four of them ranged from the trial and Venice itself to the difficulties besetting the people who were trying to build a better , more humane world than the old one on the wreckage left by the war .
10 And what about those businesspeople who are trying to get a better deal for the new photocopier , settle a departmental dispute , win a new client , bring the audit fees down ?
11 Bernice squinted through the air vents , trying to get a better look .
12 A police spokesman said : ‘ Apparently they were trying to get a better view of what was going on . ’
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