Example sentences of "might [be] found in " in BNC.

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1 To both men it seemed that a way out for all parties might be found in an international conference , such as that which had settled the Luxembourg question in 1867 .
2 Most of these patients died for reasons unrelated to their strange behaviour , and such microscopic abnormalities as might be found in the brain seemed too obscure to account for the disturbance of the mind .
3 Some clues might be found in studies of brain activity in peeking birds .
4 Pictures might be found in books which ‘ look like ’ the family pet , and these could be discussed .
5 The common solution to all three unsolved problems — open years , the cash crunch and litigation — might be found in a single word : mutualisation .
6 In the summer of 1720 the South Sea Bubble burst , and the dream that El Dorado might be found in the outside world faded a little further , though the Company went on endeavouring to use its Utrecht trading privileges for another thirty years .
7 The issue which divided public opinion largely revolved around the ineffectiveness of the prison system and the ease with which convicts could bamboozle prison chaplains into believing that their characters had been reformed , thus securing their release on ‘ ticket-of-leave ’ , and there was little room fur the idea that the roots of crime might be found in social conditions .
8 A bridge between the legislating church and the law-making king might be found in the role of the clergy who until c. 1290 still dominated the royal judiciary , although by no means were all these men canon lawyers .
9 The second might be found in greater numbers among the inhabitants of lodging houses in great cities .
10 The locals consisted of the party of Sloanes Molly had seen at Nancy Leadbetter 's and another English family with two teenage sons whom Haverford , loudly and explicitly , urged his eldest grand-daughter to ‘ get off with ’ or ‘ drag away to the disco ’ , although he did n't suggest where a disco might be found in Mondano .
11 A much more plausible explanation might be found in Weber 's distinction ( 1968 : ch .
12 With a wry smile he thought to himself that all it needed was a few thousand square miles of northern forest such as might be found in Norway or Canada and they would look completely right .
13 A clear example of this kind of evidence of change might be found in Labov 's famous analysis of the variable ( r ) in New York City .
14 Dublin 's culture might be found in the ghost city we half remember , half imagine .
15 But at least he could , if armed with field sketches , show an animal on a food plant , perhaps ; or depict various species which might be found in the same rockpool or stretch of veldt .
16 A clue as to their meaning might be found in decisions on the meaning of similar expressions in the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 and the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ( see Davies v. Sumner and R & b Customs Brokers v. U.D.T. paras .
17 Recent work has shown that a range of mental activities , typical of those that might be found in an office , are at appreciable risk from such distraction .
18 Section 0610 provides comprehensive listings of the contents , conditions and definitions which might be found in a heads of agreement letter .
19 In the more symbolic terms , a damning inditement of medieval culture might be found in the situation and behaviour of the wife .
20 Until fairly recently , translations from Horace were not designed to serve the simple informative purpose of telling an inquisitive reader what Horace 's writing was like , what sort of thing might be found in his poems , and whether it might be worth learning a little Latin to find out more .
21 The purpose of this chapter is to give some hints on how to comment on tables such as might be found in government summary publications .
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