Example sentences of "same sorts of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Kodak , for example , is beginning to reap the same sorts of advantage as it carefully allocates supply among all its producing units .
2 None the less , Fabry-Perot experiments seem to give rise to broadly the same sorts of instability as those predicted from ring cavity analyses .
3 Much of the same sorts of observations as apply to Marx 's and Engels 's notion concerning labour also apply to their discussions of property .
4 Even quite distinct groups share the same sorts of patterns .
5 Pointing to the way in which poverty structured the lives of the majority of her respondents , she concluded that ‘ young Black women and young white women become pregnant for the same sorts of reasons , and this is because they share the same socio-economic contexts ’ ( Phoenix , 1988a , p. 154 ) .
6 There 's been advertising for years , not just since the fifties ; there was advertising in Victorian times ; newspapers and magazines , and pornography with drawings of women , and how men thought women should look , and the theatre and books all put out the same sorts of things — this is how a woman should be .
7 Er and is the sort of standard one that we were using at Aston when these handouts were written erm but you should find that the same sorts of things are discussed in or in Atkinson .
8 The same sorts of things that Sister Jenny was talking about .
9 These subjects may therefore have been having the same sorts of experience as " dreamers " , but did not label their REM sleep experiences as " dreams " , but " thinking " .
10 The Burial Laws Amendment Act 1880 , section 7 penalises the same sorts of behaviour at any burial under the Act ( burials without Church of England rites ) .
11 We may tend to assume that other companies and cultures operate with the same sorts of motivations and criteria of success as we do , despite the fact that Japanese companies , for instance , turn in a very low rate of profit compared to those in the United Kingdom , and indeed do not need to do so because of the low interest charges and ready availability of capital in their country .
12 Precisely the same sorts of divisions of opinion plague policy making in less developed countries , though in many the lines of demarcation may lie along racial lines or involve the role of the traditional elites .
13 hit the top end get a cross-section o of , but you still get the same , ultimately the same sorts of results erm by , by erm by adopting that policy whereas if you go for trying to draw distinctions , you end up erm
14 A common result of this is that when the philosophers deny autonomy to women , they do so for the same sorts of reason that they deny it to children and cite lack of rationality , capriciousness and vulnerability among their characteristics .
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