Example sentences of "same size as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So old ½in ( exact metric equivalent 12.7mm ) is in fact the same size as new 15mm , the difference being the thickness of the copper tubing .
2 ‘ Clearly , ’ he said to himself , ‘ Each T on this ball is regular and of the same dimensions as each and every other T. Clearly also , each and every pentagon is regular and the same size as each and every other pentagon . ’
3 The Edmonton plants opened 11 years ago , is the same size as that planned for Corby .
4 Now they 're the same size as that popular teenage magazine BIG ! !
5 Three so good you should find that three pieces just like that the same size as that would all just fit together to make a whole .
6 it 's a s different colour , but it is the same size as that .
7 Yeah , but it 's not as big as it 's not the same size as that is it ?
8 Knitted in double jacquard , the single stitches will be the same size as all the others and the fabric stays even .
9 In the centre the earth had been laid bare and was scored with long scratches and furrows , and there was a narrow , regular hole , about the same size as one of the carrots they had carried that morning .
10 The drill size for the six string holes should be the same size as those in the actual bridge plate .
11 Three of these were of the same size as those in the front compartment : the other three were no more than five feet in length .
12 Finally , the tessellation of the latter , although comprising tesserae of much the same size as those in the former , presents perceptible differences in the shape of tesserae ( often jagged ) , and uses fewer tesserae to cover a given area .
13 Block pavers have the big advantage of being easy to handle ( they 're usually the same size as conventional bricks ) .
14 With about 20,000 inhabitants , it was roughly the same size as these two English towns , and was just as provincial and bourgeois in character , but its people really knew how to live .
15 New files are n't exactly the same size as old ones .
16 With annual sales of around DM14 billion ( $7'/z billion ) , it will be bigger than France 's Aerospatiale , and roughly the same size as British Aerospace .
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