Example sentences of "think it possible that " in BNC.

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1 Who a decade ago would have thought it possible that the chief benefactor of bus deregulation would be BR ?
2 He had not thought it possible that an innocent girl like Cora-Beth could think about such things , let alone voice them .
3 He thought it possible that he would and probable that he would not .
4 Edward VII thought it possible that his son might be the last British king , and during the reign of George V , Harold Nicolson reckoned that five emperors , eight kings and eighteen minor dynasties had come to an end .
5 We thought it possible that we might get an auto-immune reaction otherwise — similar to that which occurs when a patient rejects a heart or kidney transplant .
6 A concern with theological questions has sometimes prompted new lines of scientific inquiry , as when Richard Bentley ( 1662–1742 ) , wishing to use the latest science to defend his Christian theism , asked Newton whether he thought it possible that the frame of the world could have been produced , from a uniform distribution of matter , by mechanical principles alone .
7 I thought it possible that directional sightings could be made from the centre of the tower through the crenellations and was intrigued to find that one of them had disappeared since my previous visit .
8 He said he thought it possible that , within five years , one French house in a hundred would be equipped with solar power , compared with one in a thousand today .
9 I do not think it possible that datura , Indian or British , or deadly nightshade invaded our menu . ’
10 In fact I think it possible that in the context of hi-jacking we are developing the anti-tank weapon — one which is largely a moral weapon and lies mainly in the hands of political authority .
11 In December 1757 he tried to excuse himself ‘ as my abode is at such distance from the place where the Royal Society hold their weekly meetings as to render it not only inconvenient , but unsafe for me to attend them in the winter season. , A month later Ellis countered with , ‘ I scarce think it possible that Mr. Miller should have no one friend in the Society to send him word and , indeed , I had told Rivington to tell Miller I would be glad to discuss the matter at Fulham , and Miller ignored it . ’
12 I am not convinced that even in theory this is an accurate reflection of section 2 , for I think it possible that in many cases the investigation will have concluded at an earlier stage .
13 As Mr Wolski ate his usual morning toast and marmalade he was listening to a spokesman from the RSPB saying , ‘ We think it possible that the eagle will try to find high ground .
14 I duly sent a copy to Eliot ; and although lie showed interest , I think it possible that he never read it through , as the following letter shows .
15 In requesting , A must ( a ) want B to come now , ( b ) think it possible that B can come , ( c ) think B is not already there , ( d ) think B was not about to come anyway , ( e ) expect that B will respond with an acceptance or rejection , and if B accepts , then A will also expect B to come , ( f ) think that his ( A 's ) asking may be a possible motive for B to come , ( g ) not be , or be pretending not to be , in a position to order B to come 4 .
16 A poll of 400 of the world 's leading climatologists organized by Greenpeace has shown that almost half think it possible that the greenhouse effect might reach the point of no return in the near future , and one in seven think it probable .
17 Thinking it possible that London 's streets would contain martyrs cudgelled to death , he wondered if that might be no bad thing .
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