Example sentences of "two form of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are two forms of inequality related to occupational pensions which also serve to disadvantage very elderly women , especially widows .
2 There are two alternative forms of conduct , and either of two forms of intent will suffice .
3 Such switches between the two forms of reductionism have several payoffs .
4 How prevalent is NMDA receptor-independent LTP , and to what extent do the two forms of LTP share common mechanisms ?
5 There are two forms of stereo isomerisms that we recognise and do n't forget , these labels are purely arbitrary .
6 These last two forms of cancer are now considered by experts to be in the category ‘ diseases for which the excess mortality in smokers may be partly or wholly attributable to smoking ’ .
7 Before looking at the different propositions of the theory , it is necessary to describe briefly the two forms of government financial assistance : income tax rebates and supplementary benefit .
8 Importantly , speedier and more sophisticated forms of transport and electronic communications make it increasingly possible for these two forms of work to be in contact despite their physical separation or ‘ stretching ’ over time and space .
9 In almost every purchase one makes , from a butter substitute to a bathroom suite , there are two forms of competition .
10 In fact , this specific case is particularly relevant since in insurance two forms of companies coexist ( in the UK ) , mutuals and public liability companies .
11 As we have already mentioned , and as we shall reiterate in the next chapter , the distinction between these two forms of insanity is probably more a matter of psychiatric convenience than aetiological reality .
12 Coleridge seems to be interested principally in two forms of creativity ; both the type connected with the powers of our subconscious , as well as conventional creation as represented by nature itself .
13 These two forms of dissent coalesced in the demand for a stronger approach to the Tory nostrum of tariff reform .
14 So there is that , still that difference between the two forms of provision .
15 There may in fact be some differences in these time intervals and in other pathogenetic factors between Kock pouches and pelvic pouches , but in view of the general clinical similarities between the RP syndromes in these two forms of pouch ( Table V ) , we have felt justified in combining them for the purposes of our analysis .
16 Although domiciliary treatment was far more acceptable to patients in that many more offered this form of care kept their appointments , no difference was found in outcome between the two forms of treatment in terms either of repetition or measures of psychological distress and social functioning .
17 The motet was replaced by the two forms of anthem , the Mass by the Service .
18 Two forms of livestock in particular are worth singling out .
19 Unemployed people in Britain are eligible for one or both of two forms of benefit .
20 It expressed regret that English law recognises two forms of recklessness .
21 Note that two forms of Eqn ( 5.7 ) will be found in other texts : one uses χ e ( as here ) and the other uses ω e χ e as the coefficient of .
22 The late twenties and early thirties saw the proliferation of two forms of travel : the fastest air travel , and the most leisurely — cruising .
23 Does he also agree that , where he has extended the competence of the institutions of the European Community , we shall increasingly see , as we have seen in relation to Sunday trading and British Aerospace , the emergence of two forms of law — first , British law , which we encourage the population to obey and honour , and , secondly , European law , which we try to avoid — and thus we shall succeed in undermining the rule of law here ?
24 So if public and private are increasingly converging in institutional form and environmental challenges , and many of the tasks are similar , what is the analytical distinction between the two forms of management ?
25 The case is one more illustration of the extreme technicality of the law relating to the sentencing of juveniles , and the need to simplify the provisions governing the relationship between two forms of detention which are likely at least in this type of case to be indistinguishable from each other in their implementation .
26 The expression of two forms of cytochrome P450 ( P450 1A and P450 3A ) , epoxide hydrolase and of the α , β and γ forms of glutathione S-transferase in normal colon , colonic adenomas , and adenocarcinoma of the colon were studied by immunohistochemistry .
27 We must understand that there are two forms of pride .
28 With such remarks a differentiation between two forms of study was implied .
29 This demand system can be derived by maximizing the following aggregate profits function Γ for farmers with respect to Q 1 and Q 2 : where the aggregate production function for farmers is defined as : It is important to note that , for simplicity , the aggregate production function is of quadratic form and assumed to be homothetic , no inputs other than the two forms of fertilizers are considered , and the farmers ' output prices have been normalized to one .
30 Two forms of injection were arranged by a statistician who was not involved in the study .
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