Example sentences of "could be carried [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It had to be within access of the studios so that normal work could be carried on by those participating in the scheme .
2 ‘ Where the processes carried on or the machinery installed are such as could be carried on or installed in any residential area without detriment to amenity of that area by reason of noise , vibration , smell , fumes , soot ash , dust or grit ’ .
3 Subject to the above , the related activity could be carried on within one area of the shop by any of the family .
4 Up to 2,200lb of bombs could be carried on underwing racks .
5 Nobody thought trade could be carried on in India without a network of factories and fortifications , which meant that there would have to be a company with a charter to run them — the idea that the government might provide them would have struck the merchants as inappropriate and would have alarmed the politicians who would have had to impose taxes to pay for them .
6 The Glovers stood around at a loss ; this did not seem to be the sort of place in which business could be carried on .
7 Here vast collections of plants and animals — stuffed , or as bones and fossils — were assembled so that comparative study could be carried on , and unknown creatures described and named .
8 He may be mistaken in his choice of means , but it is against nature that he should wish harm to his kingdom ’ A unified and consistent policy , it was often contended , could be carried on only by a monarch , not by a group of ministers each of whom had his own axe to grind ( this was a favourite argument of Frederick II in particular ) .
9 Traditionally , these patterns repeat to infinity ; Makhoul sometimes underlines this by not filling in some areas completely , as if the picture could be carried on indefinitely .
10 The initial setting up could be carried out by them and then circularised to the nearest branches some time before September in order for the most capable branch to make an offer for the franchise .
11 Nine out of 10 are routine calls , many of which could be carried out by mini cabs .
12 The Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct was set up under the Act to examine the practical way in which reform could be carried out .
13 With the insertion of implants it could be carried out at any age , but the sensible option would be prophylactic mastectomy either at the completion of her family or at the menopause . ’
14 The method , however , lacks flexibility , and for an apparatus this size it was essential to have an independent power source so that adjustments could be carried out in the event of failure .
15 In addition , Derry was a provincial town , distant from the corridors of power where lobbying could be carried out and it was not a natural locus for a pressure group like NICRA .
16 Looking at things the other way around , it might seem that if selection of new books could be carried out thoroughly , taking proper account of demand , and if proper weeding and replacement procedures could be instituted , stock revision would not be necessary at all .
17 At its most extreme limits of informality the interview could be carried out with the interviewer taking no notes or tape recording at all .
18 In hospitals without a psychiatric unit , the assessment of patients could be carried out by trained hospital staff , such as psychiatric nurses , social workers , and junior medical and psychiatric staff , under the supervision of a senior psychiatrist from the local psychiatric hospital , or by trained psychiatric nurses and social workers from the local psychiatric hospital working with psychiatrists , who would visit the hospital on a regular basis .
19 By using the stomach tube , and portions of liquefied food identified only by a code number , the test could be carried out without either the patient or the nurse giving the test food knowing its identity .
20 If the parish council already had a report to submit , work could be carried out as soon as possible .
21 He knew very little about tests done on blood from bones , only that they could be carried out .
22 There was no way that Nigel , in his coffin and with the coffin in a horizontal position , could be carried out of the room and around all the corners and down the stairs to where the Volvo was waiting .
23 More work of this type could be carried out to isolate culturally determined variation in both dress and the manner in which artefacts were worn ( Vierck 1978a ; 1978b ; 1978c ) .
24 This could be carried out in the school , the clinic or the child 's home .
25 Indeed , for those interested in observational methods , it is hard to see how a longitudinal study of any magnitude could be carried out in any other way .
26 It is possible that editing could be speeded up if some of these could be carried out by a facility that operated automatically , unless told not to .
27 OUP are well aware that there are many potential suppliers and many methods by which Step 1 could be carried out .
28 What are the advantages of implementing the control unit of a processor by microprogramming , Wilkes ( 1951 ) introduced the concept as a means by which the design and implementation of a control unit could be carried out in a Systematic and logical manner ; this advantage is a Particularly valuable one today , when uniform electronic layouts are well suited to the technology of LSI .
29 Bristol , she was told , was the only place where the operation could be carried out .
30 Finally , it could be carried out as a continuation of the R & D activities of a firm acquired abroad .
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