Example sentences of "could be better [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing could be better calculated to produce mental sets or ‘ Einstellungen ’ .
2 Walden talked about the way in which Britain 's role had been artificially inflated by the cold war : ‘ What could be better calculated to raise the national spirits than a government holding the flag high in the face of the evils of communism , the murderous follies of buffoonish Argentinian generals , and the intrigues of the perfidious French ? ’
3 Anne Dickie , Manager Royline Sales , said regional awards had been introduced so that the efforts and results of branches could be better highlighted and rewarded — and she praised the first three winners .
4 Why should the commission believe that advanced mousetrap manufacture , say , should be represented in at least two member states when one manufacturer might supply the whole of Europe with the products and thus could be better placed to export as well ?
5 As Dysart 's employee and Mallender 's daughter , who could be better placed to smell a rat ? ’
6 If the intention is to jog the memories and consciences of possible witnesses , surely this could be better achieved by a simple request by the officer in charge of the investigation .
7 Indeed , hi-tech could be better understood as a set of principles distilled from a collection of material forms than as objects intended to embody prior principles .
8 F-15s and F-16s off the shelf rather than waste vast development costs which could be better deployed in the commercial sector .
9 F-15s and F-16s off the shelf rather than waste vast development costs which could be better deployed in the commercial sector .
10 By knowing where the enemy was not established , the platoons could be better deployed watching where the Japanese had bases .
11 ‘ It claims that the provision of life-saving care to premature infants is too expensive and that resources could be better deployed elsewhere .
12 Yet rather than forming a point between structure and agency , perhaps the role of community groups could be better represented in terms of a continuum between civil society and the state .
13 The Plymouth interest , that final point , is I believe as clear as Cornwall 's and the natural links in South Devon would provide the basis for a seat in which it could be better represented .
14 Tender green beans grow in soil which could be better employed providing food for Kenya 's peasants .
15 However , we should always ask whether the functions identified could be better served by alternative methods , as has happened with the development of intermediate treatment for adolescent offenders .
16 Some cardiologists complained that the heart could never be more than a temporary remedy and that the money spent on the research could be better used for drug therapies and other techniques .
17 Do n't hoard savings when they could be better used to repay borrowings .
18 Sweet 's report cast doubts on the eventual feasibility of fusion as a viable power source and implied that the large sums of money could be better used elsewhere .
19 Critics reckon the £2 million cost of the show — seen by 150 million in 39 countries — could be better used .
20 The Trust agreed to let HUG come up with their own feasibility study on how the clinic could be better used .
21 By rushing headlong into allseaters , money that could be better used elsewhere is being spent on unwanted and potentially dangerous seats .
22 ‘ What locale could be better suited for the unveiling of Fabbiano 's stunning Fall Collection on behalf of the Children 's Aid Fund ? ’ ’
23 A law which came into force on March 1 required all yakuza groups to register themselves with the local authorities as criminal organizations , so that they could be better supervised ; in practice , most were reported to have re-formed themselves as limited companies instead .
24 And he denied a suggestion that the health promotion role could be better carried out at district health authority level because of the need to take an overall view of priorities .
25 Ever felt the clothes on sale in British high streets could be better designed and better made ?
26 In the years after the war , with the drive for ever-increasing agricultural productivity , country house parks were often seen as areas of ‘ conspicuous waste ’ , which could be better put to more intensive cultivation .
27 The machineheads on this guitar are copies of big-buttoned chrome Schallers , and though they work well enough , they could be better finished , and some players might prefer something subtler and more in keeping with the general style .
28 The Indonesians wanted to start within a month , but Douglas-Hamilton and Child urged them to consider delaying it so that the army could do a pilot run and the local people could be better informed about what to expect .
29 Fifa , Italia '90 and the English FA are all agreed that the hooligan element among English fans could be better contained if England played their opening games on an island .
30 Middle class observers often expressed the opinion that working class housekeeping had grown sloppy and that the food budget could be better managed .
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