Example sentences of "could [verb] told [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One of the girls in the company , ever such a nice little thing she was , she thought she 'd got into trouble ; well , I could 've told her she would , the way she was going on — actors — you would n't believe !
2 Somebody else could 've told him about it . ’
3 ‘ You could 've told me that inside the room , not drag me out here , ’ Duncan replied , irritated by the policeman 's need for secrecy .
4 You could 've told me to mind my own business . ’
5 I could 've told it no different . ’
6 Oh did n't you know , I could 've told you that you know then we got to know all the all the things when it was too late but as regards my mother telling us anything brrr no .
7 Why could n't you ask about tulips I could 've told you about .
8 He had said to Mr Kuntar : ‘ You could have told me the truth from the very beginning .
9 ‘ You could have told me , though . ’
10 When you met this man you say you loved , surely you could have told me . "
11 Now that I 'd definitely decided to welcome the baby , I 'd have to start planning with a bit more efficiency than in the past , when , so far as one could see , I had been working vaguely on the basis that God would provide ; and why the hell He should in a case like this was probably more than even the most devout believer could have told me .
12 He knew about them investigations , that I was being watched , and he could have told me to slow down a bit .
13 I would n't have believed you could have told me anything I did n't know about the seamy side of life in this town .
14 ‘ You could have told me that at the very beginning , and put a stop to the whole thing right then .
15 I said , well , you could have told me that to tell her !
16 You could have told me !
17 Something which as the Argentines were in no circumstances , ah , going to settle for , ah , and anybody could have told them that , and anybody knew that .
18 For many people the saddest aspect was the selectors ' policy of playing Randall at number three ; every fan in the country could have told them that he should have batted down the order and that exposing him so early was almost certain to fail .
19 As a matter of fact , any reader of the Daily Worker could have told them that .
20 The only person who could have told them was William Dougal .
21 After that , I could have told her that you were Jack the Ripper and she 'd have believed me .
22 Those more experienced than Marie in practising acts of intimidation and violence could have told her that it is of ten a mistake to delay , to let your victims talk to you .
23 Foreign observers were not universally dismissive ; and the contact with Scotsmen which she had , particularly in the last year of her life in France , could have told her much , had she cared to listen .
24 Spike proved to be a bad thing , as you or I could have told her .
25 He could have told her about the IRA kidnapping him , but that would have alarmed her and the whole household .
26 Her mother , who had been fading hitherto , returned to fill the black hole by the kitchen sink or to confront Helen on the stairs , saying smugly that she could have told her all along what to expect .
27 Rain felt a surge of annoyance : Shildon could have told her that on the telephone and not wasted part of her evening .
28 His crooked smile was very much in evidence and Matey could have told her that since her arrival Dr Neil had been happier than she had seen him for a long time — there had been fewer backslidings towards the ‘ nasty whisky ’ since McAllister had appeared in his life to provide him with such rich amusement .
29 ‘ But the pedlar could have told her . ’
30 I could have told him that he has been elected an honorary member of the Academy Club drinking school run by Oofy Prosser and Stephen Hargrave , in recognition of his services to literature .
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