Example sentences of "could [adv] [adv] take " in BNC.

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1 When the European Communities Act 1972 became law each House of Parliament set up a committee to advise on how scrutiny of European legislation could most effectively take place .
2 It was quickly recognised that effective learning could most easily take place when opportunities were created frequently throughout each day , in a relaxed familiar setting and with a trusted companion .
3 Erm the only thing that occurred to me I just wondered if she knew somebody who had a dearly loved dog that , did n't want to train it but you know she could perhaps just take along for the joy of running it and training it but I think part of the pleasure is the reflected glory you know it 's my dog
4 You could not properly take account of my experience of separatism without acknowledging my feelings of being swept away by this sort of fervour .
5 A strategic site if it comes forward would be away from the main urban areas and would only be available for developments that could not otherwise take place on the I five allocations .
6 She had her difficulties , too , or she would have been with him by this ; but she was as much the prisoner of circumstances as he , and could not well take ship until she had established a firm and safe regime for her young son .
7 How true , for Leicester could not even take yesterday 's three points for granted until the end .
8 The scientists could not even take for granted that human factors were causing the bay to deteriorate ; cryptic changes in the natural world could , for all that was known , have been responsible .
9 A lord taking over a forfeited estate could not entirely take for granted the good will of the affinity , at least in the short term .
10 A lord taking over a forfeited estate could not entirely take for granted the good will of the affinity , at least in the short term .
11 You must understand that , upon discovery of such an unsavoury correspondence , your master and mistress could not possibly take the risk of leaving their young children in your hands .
12 That would be a major constitutional and economic decision which we could not possibly take here and now .
13 Many of the benefits of programmes , or decision units , were unable to be quantified so that the ranking process could not always take place .
14 ‘ Fear that you might leave Czechoslovakia without first returning to your hotel , ’ he replied , then grinned wryly as he added , ‘ For the first time in my life I find that I ca n't think logically — for why would you take a train to Mariánské Láznë to leave Czechoslovakia , when you could more easily take a plane from Prague ?
15 The strawberry jam she 'd made had n't set , she could n't even take a telephone message .
16 Could n't even take a joke .
17 It is i i I I we have a wide range of changes that would flow out from that so you could n't just take a change to Cornwall which would then create an oversized Devon seat , I quite accept that and we 've argued from the first that this would have to be part of the review as a whole .
18 I just went over there and said it was okay , th I 'd put in a letter and they still could n't just take it off .
19 All I knew , in the heat of that moment , was that I had to protect you from me , had to take heed of that barely grasped truth that I could n't perhaps take your virginity and then just walk away . ’
20 or saying we could n't really take to their child ,
21 you could n't really take him to a tribunal could you , 'cos ya
22 there 's no slow start on the reverse I got it while I was working in Leicestershire so I could n't really take it back it 'll cost me more in petrol
23 They brought presents of ham , nuts , cakes and bottles of wine for the journey , most of which we could n't possibly take with us as we had no room in our suitcases .
24 If you take your morning one about nine o'clock , you could quite easily take one about three o'clock in the afternoon .
25 Despite the panegyric on the Soviet state published in L'Humanite following the adoption of a new constitution in June 1936 , and despite the great international prestige enjoyed by the Soviet Union during 1937 , consequent upon its material support for Republican Spain , Nizan could no longer take the future strength and stability of the USSR for granted .
26 Cadfael had been awake and afield more than an hour by then , for want of a quiet mind , and had filled in the time by ranging along the bushy edges of his peasefields and the shore of the mill pond to gather the white blossoms of the blackthorn , just out of the bud and at their best for infusing , to make a gentle purge for the old men in the infirmary , who could no longer take the strenuous exercise that had formerly kept their bodies in good trim .
27 However , justifying the decision several days later , Markovic said : " Slovenia had refused all appeals from the federal government and I could no longer take responsibility for the further development of events in the republic . "
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