Example sentences of "when i [vb past] home " in BNC.

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1 When I got home my dad took one look at it and said , you look like a bleeding nancy boy .
2 When I got home I called the NRA freephone pollution number and I was told it was too dark and cold for anyone to go down and somebody would be there first thing in the morning .
3 It started when I got home from hospital after having my baby .
4 When I got home , my mother 's face was white with shock .
5 When I got home , I kept him in for a while , then , ashtray at the ready , let him loose for another try .
6 She got in trouble when I got home .
7 We did not stop , and when I got home to Banbury it was to hear that my mother had died that day in Cardiff .
8 But when I got home , I spent an hour simply looking out of the window of my home at the campus , and speculating on its future .
9 I saw the men playing chess in the hot Szechenyi baths and managed the journey back , but when I got home , people shook their heads .
10 When I got home , the doctor came and said of course she could n't cook , so I was doing the cooking .
11 When I got home I said , ‘ They ought to know you better than think you would marry a prostitute . ‘
12 When I got home I looked up Fauré in the Oxford Companion .
13 When I got home Mum and Dad were in their bedroom together and poor little Allie was outside banging on the door like a five-year-old .
14 When I got home , a week later , wobbling about on crutches , I was to confront the grinding realities of being involved in a car crash .
15 When I got home , that 's when it hit me .
16 And when I got home , poor ma was dead and I was the one on me own !
17 If I could n't produce a marriage date , and Nigel could n't officially be registered dead without it , perhaps he was n't , because legally he could n't be , and when I got home I 'd find …
18 When I got home I found , among the mountain of letters ( mainly telling me I had filled in a blue form when it should have been a yellow one or asking for information I had already given ) , one from the BBC asking me to get in touch with the Punters office in Bristol as soon as possible .
19 I went out and bought a remedy , thinking it was an infection , but when I got home I realised that she actually had a piece of red coloured gravel stuck inside her mouth , so that she could n't close it properly .
20 When I got home Mum was acting very strangely and frogmarched me off to Derek 's house .
21 I wondered what she was doing , if she was all right , what I 'd do with her when I got home
22 When I got home , I would buy a new computer and explore first DesignaKnit and then other software packages .
23 Whilst on the market stall I had a Liverpool pensioner who had n't seen a Liverpool organisation so when I got home I sent to her a notice of the huge rally there going to hold in September , in Liverpool with a couple of Bishop 's and big national speakers , I sent that to her and also contacted a Liverpool pensioner secretary to get in touch with her , and we 've also written to erm , that 's the rally , erm , we 've also , I 've also written to Jim from Cumberland , if you remember er his down our rally , so we should have some , we decided to buy twelve copies of each publication they produce and one when we get our office will be available there .
24 I only felt slightly ashamed when I got home and saw my children .
25 Then I 'd have a good blast when I got home , like .
26 When I got home he was already in his room , whistling away cheerfully .
27 When I got home with it , I gave it a wash , and tried it out almost immediately .
28 When I got home I told everybody where I 'd been and what I 'd done : my 63-year-old father , my three sisters , my nephews , my friends , the men and women in my local pub and my colleagues at the bank .
29 I paid for three plants ( £4 ) and when I got home , cleaned them and put them in two of my tanks .
30 When I got home I picked up the threads of my ordinary life again very quickly — you might say I snatched them up , and plunged into a round of work and social life deliberately intended to give me as few idle moments as possible .
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