Example sentences of "when it comes [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When it comes to acting people will always say ‘ Do n't — you 're going to get hurt ’ , and of course you wo n't believe them .
2 WHY is it that hotel owners and operators put so much emphasis on recruiting professional ‘ hotel designers ’ to create the right hotel , but , when it comes to the inclusion of leisure facilities , then they appear to approach any designer , with the impression that it can be addressed from a design viewpoint just like any other area ?
3 When it comes to silver-plated cutlery there are just as many confusing statements coming at the caterer .
4 WHAT constitutes value for money when it comes to food and drink ?
5 On average , Butler and his staff cook for 800 people a day and all the chefs have an input when it comes to menu suggestions .
6 ‘ A stab in the heart leaves a hole , ’ says the proverb of a people Leonard refers to as ‘ professionals ’ when it comes to suffering and loss ; this trauma was one in which Leonard and his sister grew up .
7 That is , it is open to us to deliberate about the light that this fact throws on the person 's character ; but deliberation is not open to us when it comes to parsing the sentence .
8 In other words , when it comes to an attempt to understand how someone is likely to respond to a stimulus , a description of the stimulus in terms of its simple physical dimensions is not going to be of any value .
9 ‘ Other juniors are n't on the same planet as Joanne , when it comes to commitment .
10 Again it will be they who will become the cutting edge when it comes to the readiness of woodland owners to offer the use of their woods and premises for other business .
11 When it comes to choosing which machine to buy I would suspect that our requirements would be rather different from your own .
12 But the civil servants have been vague when it comes to the detail of who is to be the competent authority , who is to foot the bill for its work ( and any extra studies it may require before giving consent ) , and how much of its deliberations are to be made public .
13 As a mother I warm to someone who observes that so many of the modern theories on childcare ‘ show utter contempt for women 's judgement ’ , and who points out that , when it comes to smacking , ‘ if we were talking about any other activity which was so widespread , people would say this was a method which was tried and tested and obviously worked .
14 He frets that , when it comes to the point , the requirements for SATs may not tally with the requirements for GCSE ; that he may have to regroup the whole school to align pupils according to their ability rather than their age .
15 When it comes to 12.45 I go behind the Ben Hur scenery and have a sandwich .
16 It is , rather , the example of what a robust and subtle mind can do when it comes to shifting British planning policy around the table a bit .
17 But when it comes to sport , all bets are off .
18 ( The Labour Party , to be fair , has never observed quite the same double standards when it comes to private and public speech ) .
19 ‘ ALASTAIR MORTON is terrific at crisis management , but he is no good when it comes to running a settled organisation , ’ says one of those who has been left , somewhat bruised , along the wayside of Mr Morton 's whirlwind career .
20 WHEN IT comes to lettering , everyone is a bit of an expert ; most of us intuitively respond to the message of a particular typeface .
21 And when it comes to content , the key public commission since the war must be the eight New Testament inscriptions in Basil Spence 's Coventry Cathedral .
22 Sir : When it comes to supporting the arts , very little seems to have changed since George Farquhar in his Discourse on Comedy described his audience in 1702 as : a pit full of City gentlemen , a gallery full of cits , a hundred ladies of court education and about 200 footmen of nice morality .
23 When it comes to the Republic 's method Charlton is unrepentant .
24 And they tell you that two AS-levels are equal to an A-level when it comes to applying for university places . ’
25 Christopher Bland , the chairman , said the scheme would place LWT in an ideal position when it comes to rebidding for its Independent Television franchise in 1992 .
26 What is important is to tell your readers that the Safety Authority is quite independent of the influence of Eurotunnel and of the Government when it comes to the advice we give on safety standards of the tunnel and its railway system .
27 It might be the authorities who give you permission but when it comes to the bit it 's the ordinary policeman who 's getting shot .
28 They did not — and it was admittedly no part of their business to do so — inform us for which purposes the existing social services are ‘ excessive ’ ; and it may be observed that other commentators , political and non-political , though they are frequently willing to indicate social services which in their opinion are ‘ inadequate ’ , are extremely taciturn when it comes to illustrating the more obvious half of the truism with specific examples .
29 Instead , you need to wise up about how the industry works and which people in recording companies are the most influential when it comes to signing and selling musicians , work .
30 When it comes to profiles and interviews , familiar names usually get the nod over the up-and-coming , partly because they are the ones the powers-that-be have heard of , and partly because the famous and/or notorious are what a less obsessive and more catholic readership wants to know about .
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