Example sentences of "when face by [art] " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps the critics hesitated when faced by a film whose politics were rarely foregrounded .
2 Most of us have a major problem when faced by a very unpleasant character who is screaming like an animal or explaining how he is going to separate us from parts of our body .
3 Boxing : Colchester Boxing Club 's Andy Farrow showed his versatility when faced by a tricky opponent as he moved into the national schoolboys under-42 kilos semi-finals.Up against a spoiling boxer in the shape of Greg Algar of Eltham BC at Sandwich , Farrow persevered and kept himself out of trouble to win by the narrowest of points decisions.The judges awarded the fight to the 14-year-old Alderman Blaxill pupil 60–58 , 59–58 , 58–60 .
4 Children with poor appetites are often put off when faced by a large mound of food on their plates .
5 The chief inspector shivered with an indefinable dread , the fear she always experienced when faced by a hatred that could only be satiated through violence .
6 When faced by a Mongol horde , for example . ’
7 The Government 's own Department of Development Aid has apparently been so devious that the judge investigating the billions of Rand evidently missing or misappropriated , which should have gone towards assisting the poorer ( black ) communities , has thrown in the towel when faced by the department 's shambolic accounting .
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