Example sentences of "know exactly [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 They were n't speaking English , so I did n't know exactly what was said , but Anwar , after a glance , followed by a concerned closer study , followed by a little step to one side for a better angle , pointed anxiously at Changez 's arm .
2 She realized that he must know exactly what was running through her mind .
3 It was an hour later that they came back and by then the Jewish family had let me know exactly what was happening in Germany , and my game had become rather more serious .
4 When her gynaecologist asked why , she had told him that , apart from her hatred of injections , she wanted to know exactly what was going on .
5 The following day , having asked some leading questions of our local newsagent — Mr Bales always seemed to know exactly what was going on in the terrace and was only too happy to share his knowledge with anyone who wanted to pass the time of day — I presented myself at the offices of John D. Wood in Mount Street .
6 Help , she told him , and most of all they wanted , needed , to know exactly what was going on .
7 All those coming onto the plant for the overhaul had to know exactly what was required .
8 The Chief Whip , Richard Ryder , should carry the can , even though he may not have known exactly what was being done by his people .
9 The barn where it was held was owned by a local farmer , John Ellis , and if Kate knew anything about it , he had known exactly what was going on .
10 When a sound start was then followed by a sparkling 80 from Richards , a classical 84 from Hooper and a thumping 72 from Marshall , with even Ambrose making 43 , we knew exactly what was what , and when Richards declared on the fourth evening at 448 for 9 , leaving England with a day plus 51 overs to survive , there were probably not many people who thought they would make it .
11 The rest were wrapped up in a fog , from drugs or cracked minds , but Anne knew exactly what was going on .
12 Since they knew exactly what was going to happen the others usually grabbed him , tied up the red scarf and sat him down .
13 He fortunately knew exactly what was wanted and would talk to John for hours on end , about the making of music , history , composers etc. , to such good effect that , when John wanted to put music to ballet , he knew exactly what he wanted .
14 I think it is fair to say that hard words were spoken , but I never knew exactly what was said .
15 And to make sure everybody knew exactly what was going on , planning chiefs held a press conference on the beach , while the SAS-style commandos held a photo-call .
16 You would n't want to start watching one of those awful old adventure films you like so much if you knew exactly what was going to happen , would you ?
17 We were coming in , white , black , Indian , they knew exactly what was going on .
18 She knew exactly what was going to happen now — she would lose her baby and he would commend her .
19 She knew exactly what was meant by manpower !
20 You know when his boss came in then things went downhill but yeah certainly Tom helped me and just the fact that there was someone there who knew exactly what was going on , be it not a lot but , he was trying to help us , and give us advice and what have you .
21 It did n't seem to matter that much , because Rose knew exactly what was expected of her and quickly undid the remaining buttons of her blouse , revealing ample breasts well worthy of her name .
22 She always knew exactly who was in and who was missing ; and if you were missing , Madame probably knew why , and with whom .
23 It was clear that her father had been wrongly advised and Emily thought she knew exactly who was responsible .
24 ‘ No , ’ she refused , knowing exactly what was coming next .
25 Knowing exactly what was coming next , and her heart aching for poor Phena , Ellie said softly , ‘ And she could n't find any record of a David Anthony Kent having been born , having even existed — and so knew that her mother had lied . ’
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