Example sentences of "know that [pers pn] 'd " in BNC.

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1 By the way , Uncle , ’ she added , ‘ how did you know that we 'd gone in ?
2 They 'd never know that we 'd been and gone .
3 Did he know that she 'd revealed his habit of farting as he came , or that I had once worn his pyjamas while she blew me ?
4 ‘ He 's a lad with bags of confidence and was quick to let me know that he 'd scored on his debut and I had n't .
5 No , but eh , another word that was I 've heard used , and it was , actually it was quite annoying because the chap used it , used it wrongly , but I did n't know that he 'd used it wrongly at the time .
6 ‘ I 'm sure you do , but Kitty must n't ever know that I 'd had a hand in it . ’
7 And I 'd know that I 'd incurred that expense .
8 The darkness was almost complete now ; she could only see the faintest outline of his features , enough to know that they 'd taken on a hard , determined cast .
9 It was not necessary for him to know that she 'd been a widow for years .
10 She was n't to know that he 'd been posted to Berlin .
11 Yes very , you know , so I mean I 'm not to know that he 'd not already told somebody else .
12 We know that he 'd tried to gather all his sources of information together as best he possibly could and he wrote his Gospel very quickly .
13 As I had to go to Beskett this young woman had not long been married and she always used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey , cos I used to go on a bike not in a van , on a carrier bike , she used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey to see if there were any mail from her husband and he was , there sometimes was sometimes there was n't nothing you know that he 'd written and er one day I 'd got back and er she was all in tears and er he , he had been killed in France and I was glad I did n't have to be the harbinger of the times you know she still lives in Palfrey now Mrs yeah .
14 But against that , although I know that he 'd took three or four very good jobs that I ought to have had , but he was a very , very good detective , a hard working inspector .
15 know that she 'd phoned us earlier .
16 I polished the latches a bit with my shirtsleeve , then I put the briefcase back exactly as I 'd found it and took my leaf-trembling self along to the dining car , already regretting , before I got there , that I had n't stayed until the Canadian left , knowing that I 'd wasted some of the best and perhaps the only chance I would get of seeing what Filmer had brought with him on the train .
17 Referring to complaining neighbours the Hanleys she said : ‘ I just do n't know how they can sleep at night next door because I could n't , knowing that I 'd done that to someone . ’
18 You could achieve an effect just as good as that of the real thing , and have the pleasure of knowing that you 'd done it all yourself !
19 If it was n't for Winnie — so understanding , knowing that he 'd been tricked , snared in this vile trap — he knew not what he 'd do .
20 But he knew he was well known for knowing that he 'd got you .
21 One dog would go in , and she 'd just shake her tail and come back , and you could n't get her in afterwards because she knew that they 'd cleared off .
22 I knew that they 'd still written me a , a second letter , like asking permission to send it through the erm what do you call it ?
23 However , we also knew that we 'd got rid of Abed .
24 How you knew that you 'd fallen hopelessly , profoundly in love with someone who was very far from feeling the same way ?
25 But would n't you feel a lot better if you knew that you 'd kicked him back — and that he knew it too ?
26 He had read it out to him but he knew that he 'd missed out bits .
27 She 'd given him no encouragement — their encounters had been on a light , friendly basis only — but she knew that he 'd long since stopped seeing Louise , and there 'd been only a couple of short-term girlfriends since .
28 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
29 Pavel knew that he 'd not been the best company but then , they had n't been treating this job as anything particularly special .
30 He knew that he 'd fallen for bait like a fool .
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