Example sentences of "one thing [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 Then that was one thing we had a good laugh at .
2 One thing I had in common with Nigel was our National Health hearing aid .
3 One thing I had not bargained for was the amount of Gaelic spoken in the country districts .
4 That was half full of water and the ice had cut through the wood flow down the river , cos the water was coming in like hell and er cos one thing I had to do about it , had like a chain in the , in th in the boat , so we pulled the chain out , I pulled the chain out first and go just got the , the erm hull just above water so I bail the boat out with a bucket chuck it down the side right quick .
5 She had the one thing I had always wanted .
6 One thing she had to say about Dad , at least he had prepped her for the world she was going to have to live in .
7 There was just one thing she had to get hold of before she left — the only wedding present she had been prepared to accept from William Ash .
8 The one thing she had n't done was look up Puddephat in Who 's Who .
9 A lot had happened that night , more than she cared to dwell on now , but one thing she had to remember was her vulnerability to him .
10 One thing she had learned was , never take a bet with Mandy .
11 The presence of Paula Grey was one thing he had n't counted on .
12 For one thing he had discharged himself from the army and was listed as a deserter ; for another , he had a wife and two children ‘ somewhere in Norfolk ’ .
13 Lawton died in agony of the one thing he had been so afraid of ; died in an agony that was self-inflicted .
14 There was one thing he had n't lied about , and that was her blood , how much he 'd loved and honoured it , that was n't a lie .
15 One thing he had learnt in the US was that , regardless of when credit was approved — before the recession or during it — it suddenly started going bad .
16 One thing he had confirmed , though , was the fact that he was living at Brooklands , his mother 's home , so Nina had been quite right in that respect , but it still left Rachel wondering why .
17 One thing it had made hir certain of : .
18 A group of fifth form pupils when asked for their response after using a simulation on the Arab-Israeli situation , remarked that one thing it had demonstrated was how easy it was for the countries to slide into war !
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