Example sentences of "out on the street " in BNC.

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1 See now , there 's a lot of people who will speak to you friendly out on the street and there 's a lot more of them who 'll speak to you inside their own homes .
2 As I walk through Mountain Ash on my way to my Saturday surgery , people call out on the street .
3 Jobs have been lost , mortgages forfeited and folk put out on the street — with their dogs .
4 Not handed out on the street , this club flyer advertises Newcastle 's Rockshots .
5 You could cut me in a thousand pieces and lay them out on the street .
6 When we were out on the street , we followed section by section , and each section went to its own beats .
7 Out on the street the fog sears the back of your nostrils and the cold sticks a needle up every pore .
8 I told the group a story , to keep them entertained , to laugh preferably and not to weep , hiding reality from them and myself with metaphor and rhythm , my face without makeup is vulnerable out on the street .
9 Jennifer found herself back out on the street , confused and bewildered .
10 When Maire Carroll 's mother said thoughtfully to Eve , ‘ Do you know I always ask myself why a sensible woman like Mother Francis would let you out on the street looking like Little Orphan Annie , ’ Benny 's brow darkened .
11 ‘ He is a Queen 's Counsel so he is not out on the street . ’
12 Quite a few were very upset , they 'd only twelve months to go — it was just like turning them out on the street .
13 It 's a wicked life out on the street these days .
14 Yer 'll be out on the street . ’
15 I do n't even go out on the street now unless she comes with me .
16 Some men thought more about their whippets or their pigeons — they thought nowt of slinging the wife out on the street .
17 While the convention might be to undertake rigorous market analyses to identify new opportunities , the Profitboss is out on the street finding out what people want .
18 While these people are sitting on committees hammering the plans into a synthetic budget which nobody can achieve , the Profitboss is out on the street making a profit , putting up prices , discounting prices , pushing the market , pulling the market .
19 When he 's not out on the street , he 's in house talking , walking , explaining , consulting , listening and deciding .
20 When he 's out on the street he 's totally aware of what 's happening to the market , of what the competition is doing , of what customers want .
21 If it had been left to me I would have put him out on the street long ago .
22 think there has to be a er family planning centres have to more on the street , I think family planning clinics have got the people there who are able to go out on the street .
23 I was doing chequebooks and cards , and I had a very good run on them for about four months , but what with taking drugs and that I collapsed one time when I was working out on the street .
24 And the boyfriend -when the mother kicks them out of the home — the boyfriend says , " Uh-oh , she 's out on the street now , and pregnant . "
25 That happens to so many people , I think -alright , do n't be happy about the situation if you do n't want to be , but do n't kick your daughter out on the street .
26 They had to learn it from school , or from people out on the street .
28 There 's some things you ca n't do out on the street . ’
29 The buildings would once have been the stables to the bigger houses out on the street , but now the bigger houses would all have been subdivided long ago and the stables leased off and converted .
30 Joe was still out on the street at the other end of the bar , arm still raised , already way out of date .
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