Example sentences of "out in [art] north " in BNC.

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1 I had an instant picture of this docile boat now chugging at nine knots with a following wind on a choppy but inland loch , far out in the North Sea bucking and corkscrewing , the bow sickeningly below the waves as often as not .
2 In 1881 , a Scottish fishing boat , the Bertie , was 140 kilometres out in the North Sea .
3 I was watching the gas-flares of oil-rigs maybe hundreds of kilometres away , out in the North Sea .
4 Scientists from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory found high levels of TBT , used as an anti-fouling agent in boat hull paints , in coastal water and in samples taken 200km out in the North Sea .
5 On the basis of tests carried out in the North Sea by the Laboratory , Bayne believes that organic pollutants may be having a greater impact on marine life than heavy metals such as lead , mercury and cadmium , which had hitherto been widely blamed for most of the damage .
6 they were somewhere out in the North Road
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