Example sentences of "out of her eyes " in BNC.

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1 Someone who 's forever pushing her hair out of her eyes , or stuffing it up in a clip on top of her head simply looks harassed .
2 Water shot out of her eyes and nose .
3 She threw her head back , shaking the limp hair out of her eyes and challenged him : ‘ Well , would you have turned it down ? ’
4 She took another spoonful of her mother 's chicken soup and smiled as she pushed her fringe back out of her eyes , and she wondered what had happened to the spider — where it had been transported to and what had become of it .
5 She was tucking in the sheets at the wall side , and blowing the hair out of her eyes as she reached over .
6 The anger went out of her eyes , she was exhausted , she surrendered .
7 Little waves of lightning seemed to be flashing out of her eyes .
8 She kept her eyes steadily on the glass , and now the power was concentrating itself in one small part of each eye and growing stronger and stronger and it felt as though millions of tiny little invisible arms with hands on them were shooting out of her eyes towards the glass she was staring at .
9 It had felt as though sparks were going round and round inside her head and flashing out of her eyes .
10 She wiped the filth out of her eyes and pulled herself into the wreckage of the cockpit .
11 Christina pushed her sand-filled hair out of her eyes .
12 She shook her head vehemently , with tears flying out of her eyes each side , like water flying off a spaniel 's ears .
13 She 's always nervously brushing the hair out of her eyes and saying that she ca n't come out with Howard because she has to go and see a client .
14 She sat on the edge of the bed , looked down into her lap , and felt great tears run out of her eyes .
15 Tears brimmed out of her eyes , and ran down her cheeks .
16 Emotion seemed to gush out of her eyes , nose , mouth , as she sighed , wept , mumbled between kisses , covering his face with spit , tears , lipstick and rain , clinging to him with the frantic strength of a drowning swimmer .
17 She tossed her hair out of her eyes and looked down as Adrian approached .
18 But her face was intelligent ; out of her eyes gazed a heart which acknowledged a wasted lifetime .
19 To her surprise , Lady Merchiston sighed wearily and the life went out of her eyes .
20 Her hand came down and the fire died out of her eyes .
21 By the time she 'd sat up and pushed the dishevelled hair out of her eyes he was behind the wheel , and the car was moving forward .
22 She had short , bobbed hair , and she swept a lock from out of her eyes before she answered .
23 Sara , still in her jeans , pushed her hair out of her eyes .
24 ‘ I did n't realise there were places quite like that , ’ said her mother wearily , pushing her hair out of her eyes .
25 But she could n't help it ; the silent tears coursed out of her eyes and cascaded down her cheeks as she stared up at him , the betrayal wrenching at her heart .
26 Straightening , she winced , brushing the hair out of her eyes before accepting the cup .
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