Example sentences of "who brought [pron] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 " Who brought her in , then ? "
2 Mother I do n't need — the one who brought me up cost a lot in therapy to get over .
3 What happened was I happened to be in the corridors there and the gentleman came in , that 's on the Friday afternoon , gentleman came in and asked to see the Headmaster , so I took him along to see who was the Headmaster then , and erm shortly after that I was called up to see and erm asked me if I 'd like to apply for this job because had seen me erm bringing me up to , bringing him up to see and he said erm , well what about that young fella who brought me up there and would he like to apply .
4 He was the one who brought me up , more a father than a grandfather .
5 Among a series of films designed to cash in on the success of Hitchcock 's Psycho ( 1960 ) , for example , was Seth Holt 's The Nanny ( 1965 ) , made with the visual flair of his earlier Hammer picture , Taste of Fear ( 1961 ) , and telling the powerful tale of two sisters , both dependent in their own way on the woman who brought them up , who pay no attention to the declarations of their son and nephew that it was nanny who killed his sister and now wants to kill him .
6 His father , like John 's , had been still young when their father died , and consequently could not remember him , only the ‘ very Victorian mother ’ who brought them up , and the tales she told about him .
7 No , it 's the ones who bring them in , who brought them in in the first place — ’
8 The engagements used to go to the artists who brought them back the best presents from their tours abroad .
9 Comment from Morton Westlake centred on how jolly good the scones were , how you could get a jolly food tea at the Waldorf in London , and the astronomical prices which some had paid for their seats at the forthcoming Test match at Lord's. it was the Old Stager who brought them back to the match in hand .
10 The Mosaic Law underlines the fact that their whole social , religious and daily life must be governed by loyalty to that one God who brought them out of the land of Egypt , out of the house of bondage .
11 The years of his longest sentence , from 1979 to 1983 ( incurred for setting up , in admiring imitation of the Polish KOR , a Czech Committee to Defend the Unjustly Prosecuted ) were punctuated by other , sometimes painfully absurd episodes : for example the day the Interior Ministry 's men relented sufficiently to allow him to attend his father 's funeral , and then inadvertently let him be surrounded by a tight scrum of friends who brought him up to date with all the latest political news .
12 His uncle John , 72 , who brought him up as a son and taught him to play the guitar , has died of lung cancer .
13 Peron needed the union movement for support and , indeed , it was the labour movement who brought him back from exile and won him the presidency .
14 So Aaron makes a golden calf , and when the people see it , they cry , ‘ These are your gods , O Israel , who brought you up out of the land of Egypt ! ’
15 ‘ Especially , ’ said Mr Pumblechook firmly , ‘ be grateful , boy , to those who brought you up by hand . ’
16 Behave well here and remember those who brought you up by hand ! ’
17 ‘ The man who brought you in to the Squad must have been Alan Jones .
18 The Ten Commandments began : ‘ I am the Lord your God , who brought you out of the land of Egypt , out of the house of bondage .
19 And they were warned that even in prosperity and success they were not to forget : ‘ When you eat your fill there , be careful not to forget the Lord who brought you out of Egypt . ’
20 He appeared to Moses as " Yahweh " ( " I am who I am " , Exodus 3:14 ) , and later on as " Yahweh your God , who brought you out of the land of Egypt " ( Exodus 20:2 ) .
21 Who brought you back ?
22 Who brought it up ?
23 As we saw , the consequences of this change , and individuals ’ response to the much more disciplinarian and dominant mothers who brought it about , gave rise to the elaborate symbolism and religious ritual of early polytheism ( including matters which there was not the opportunity to mention , such as the Neolithic enthusiasm for ritual burial in Mother Earth , frequently in a foetal position ) .
24 I wonder who brought it in ? ’
25 Described by the studio 's publicist-turned-producer Monja Danischewsky as ‘ the Nanny who brought us up , ’ Cavalcanti helped Ealing 's filmmakers to develop the semi-documentary style of films such as San Demetrio London ( 1943 ) , which recounts the true story of a group of sailors bringing a wrecked oil tanker back to port .
26 Just twelve chapters later we hear them saying to Aaron , ‘ Up , make us gods , who shall go before us ; as for this Moses , the man who brought us up out of Egypt , we do not know what has become of him . ’
27 What I 'm asking for is that we keep this approach up to fight this government to give er our senior citizens a better chance in this life , cos a lot of us here would not be here today if it was n't for the senior citizens who brought us up .
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