Example sentences of "who sat on the " in BNC.

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1 The photograph was n't very much like the girl who sat on the other side of the desk , but passport photographs seldom are much like their originals .
2 Macmillan showered political honours on his backbenchers like confetti , and during the thirteen years of Conservative government which ended in 1964 over two hundred MPs , one third of all those who sat on the Tory benches , were rewarded with some sort of gong .
3 The Minister of State at the Home Office , Alice Bacon , who sat on the Labour Party 's National Executive , had been a member , while two others , Mrs Serota and Dr T.C.N. Gibbens , were included amongst the membership of the Royal Commission .
4 " The gentlemen who sat on the bench were more or less connected with the shipping trade , and the law had been somewhat strained to obtain the conviction " .
5 Arghatun was speaking at considerable length , but every so often he paused and the man who sat on the tail of the cart asked what appeared to be a series of questions .
6 Kragan did n't add that he had never trusted the newspaper proprietor who sat on the council .
7 Wycliffe was startled by the question , which did not come from Sarah but from an old lady who sat on the far side of the fire .
8 It was only a pallid disc in the sky , shedding thin white light through the still air on to the faces of a few well-wrapped-up and elderly people , who sat on the benches along the Promenade , taking the air .
9 He removed his arm from her shoulders and leaned back against the wall , his gaze still on the fair-haired young girl who sat on the bicycle , ready to move off , the wind blowing her skirt and hair .
10 She began by waking up on the tail-end of absorbing conversations with the white-robed monk who sat on the chair beside her , and it was n't long before the discussions became a full-time activity .
11 The interesting factor in all those arguments is that my hon. Friends who sat on the respective Committees or spoke on the Second Reading of Bills associated with privatisation said at the time that the Government were privatising monopoly , not introducing effective competition and regulation , and the matter would have to be examined again .
12 Sir Kingsley Wood , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , who sat on the committee , wanted this paper shelved , but his view was rejected .
13 He was also the fellow who sat on the ground in what was called a " Robinson Jacket " and was snatched from an absolutely stationary position on the ground by an Anson with a hook ; this was a device to snatch injured personnel off the battlefield and into the air .
14 He looked at Lady Horne who sat on the other side of the fireplace , an ivory and pearl rosary entwined around her fingers .
15 Those of us who sat on the urban policies committee for a number of years seeing Moat devour and all the stoppages and problems there , knew that you were taking the wrong line .
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