Example sentences of "who gave [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately despite this success I feel compelled to write this letter of complaint about certain aspects which undermine the efforts of managers , coaches and boys from this country who gave their all in this tournament .
2 One of the men he approached was Spurgeon who gave him this characteristic response : ‘ I sit on my own gate , and whistle my own tunes , and am quite content . ’
3 During an extended period of wandering in the sky world , Litaw met Inabay , who gave him some dust from her eyes .
4 The Dorchester crowd that sought to rescue the Pretender 's effigy from being burnt by the Dissenters on George I 's coronation day were encouraged by a certain gentleman who gave them half a hogshead of beer .
5 Incidentally , did you know who gave her that nickname originally ? ’
6 ‘ What 's happened to old McWhirter ? ’ said Penny , deciding not to mention the comparison in the company of two young men who gave her some gratifying doggy devotion .
7 You , Lily , who gave me such a happy summer with your delightful companionship !
8 The Hon. Gentleman should perhaps speak to some of his own colleagues who gave me that advice .
9 And who gave me that Right ? ’
10 That was my auntie and that was the l the woman who gave me that tea set I were telling you about .
11 who gave me this ?
12 I went to my doctor who gave me some pain-killers and told me to rest .
13 Please pass on our thanks to all the Mums , Dads and kids who gave us such a great present for our involvement with the creche over the past couple of years .
14 Who gave you that authority ? ’
15 What was the agency in London , what was the name of the man who gave you that packet ?
16 She said : ‘ I want to know who gave you that information . ’
17 Who gave you that ? ’
18 Who gave you that ? ’
19 Who gave you that ?
20 Who gave you that ?
21 ‘ And who gave you all this priceless information , cara ? ’
22 ‘ Tell me , my young friend , ’ he went on , ‘ those orders you have to shoot me — if I do n't give you the money you want — who gave you such orders ? ’
23 Who gave you this ? ’ asked Chaman .
24 Who gave you this ? ’
25 ‘ Dr Smithson , you must tell me who gave you this . ’
26 Turning back to the landlord , Giles Aplin said , ‘ I already know the name of the man who gave you this watch — but I want to hear it from your lips — and I want the truth . ’
27 Who gave you this knife ? ’
28 MAX : Who gave you those beads ?
29 Who gave you those ? ’
30 John Cooksley is a former teacher who gave it all up to become a fulltime Wildlife artist .
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