Example sentences of "her shoulders [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But , despite this assumption , they sat at the desk so closely that their bodies were almost touching , and there were times when his arm encircled her shoulders while he leaned forward to check additions on the electronic calculator .
2 He helped her into her coat ; again , his arm lay on her shoulders after he had done so .
3 Craig made to put his arm around her shoulders but she held up her hand .
4 Rachel sounds as if she 'll be sitting with a shawl around her shoulders when she 's 60 .
5 She rushed up and threw her arms around her in a totally uncharacteristic gesture of affection , and felt all the stress of Piers Morrison lift from her shoulders as they began chatting animatedly about everything under the sun , catching up on old news .
6 He rested his arm lightly along her shoulders as they left the restaurant , and she forced herself to wait a decent interval before ducking lightly away from him , hating the insidious way his touch seemed to affect her .
7 All she later remembered was the strength of his hands on her shoulders as he forced her back against the bark of an apple tree and held her there , imprisoned .
8 D'Arcy 's grip tightened round her shoulders as he felt her hot tears against his skin .
9 She gripped his hand as tightly as she could , feeling a terrific wrench on her shoulders as he tried to haul her in , steadying himself against the door to ensure that he did n't end up suffering the same fate as his companion .
10 His hands left her shoulders as he breathed a sigh of relief , and his gaze locked with hers as if he could read her soul in its depth .
11 It was Rune who broke the close embrace , lifting his head away , his hands still tender on her shoulders as he scanned her face , his own features harshly set .
12 He set her down beside the car , his arm firm around her shoulders as he steadied her and opened the door to put her gently inside .
13 Penry returned quickly with a warm , dry towel , which he draped round her shoulders as he took her wrist in his .
14 Somehow the pins in her hair always seemed to escape when she lost her temper and the dark tresses whirled round her shoulders as she walked up and down Oswin 's bedroom .
15 Victoria 's glossy black hair swung wildly about her shoulders as she stamped her feet in front of the mirror .
16 whether the girl standing on the opposite side of the crossroads , with her face hidden by the long dark hair falling over her shoulders as she waits to cross the road , head turned to watch the oncoming traffic , will look straight ahead so that he can see her face : and if so , whether it will fulfil his hopes ; and whether the fulfilment of his hopes would in itself be a kind of disappointment .
17 ‘ Are you afraid to say something ? ’ she pursued recklessly , her blonde hair swinging across her shoulders as she raised her face to stare up at him .
18 There was a warm breeze from the sea which lifted the woman 's dark hair from her shoulders as she smiled and raised her chin and gazed adoringly at her companion .
19 He put his arm around her shoulders and they walked on .
20 The gown slipped soundlessly from her shoulders and she tiptoed like a shadow towards him .
21 He helped put the wrap over her shoulders and she was silent on the short drive home .
22 His hands rested on her shoulders and she could feel the warmth of them through the coarse material of her bodice .
23 Anthony put an arm around her shoulders and she looked at him , surprised but pleased that he had managed to touch her again .
24 He pushed the bra straps off her shoulders and she looked at him helplessly , torn between releasing the bodice to grab his hands and keeping it safely in place .
25 His hands rested lightly on her shoulders and she shivered .
26 Min 's head was almost level with her shoulders and she smoked with a long black cigaretteholder .
27 In that instant it came to Ruth that he did know her ; but before she could be sure his hands left her shoulders and he went leaping round the side of the hummock , his long coat flapping , straight towards the spear men .
28 His warm hands moved smoothly over her shoulders and he gave a short laugh .
29 He shifted her so she stood in front of him ; his hands settled on her shoulders and he drew her back , so his body braced hers .
30 For a long moment he held her tightly against him as if he was afraid she might try to elude him , then when he seemed sure of her his hands encircled her waist , moulded her hips and moved upwards , unbuttoning her shirt , pulling it from the waistband of her jeans , then slipping it from her shoulders until it fell to the floor .
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