Example sentences of "make certain that they " in BNC.

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1 Settlement ‘ I would have thought that they would have learned from the public ridicule of the last month and made certain that they did n't get up to these things again , ’ he told the Press Association .
2 If you decide to use them , make certain that they are clear , well-presented and can be read by your audience .
3 Runners heading for Greenwich Park must make certain that they only use the St Mary 's Gate entrance , off William Walk and Romney Road .
4 ‘ Hope is all any of us has now , ’ said Julia carefully choosing her words to make certain that they meant what she wanted them to mean .
5 It seemed to Julia to be the height of good manners to have greeted a stranger with apparent pleasure under such circumstances and then to have included her in the family teasing , but she wanted to make certain that they could forget their manners and talk freely to each other without having to bother about her .
6 Conveyancers are not normally expected to act as negotiators and , if estate agents are involved , it is important to make certain that they have fully and finally settled the price , both for the legal estate in the property and for any extras , such as fixtures and fittings , or even any chattels that might be left at the property .
7 The ANC wants its foreign supporters to ensure that once sanctions are declared dead there will be a concerted campaign to make certain that they are actually lifted at all levels in all countries .
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