Example sentences of "so let's [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Okay so let's just go
2 So let's just sit down and be quiet , shall we ? ’
3 So let's just talk about that without doing erm a particular example .
4 okay natural bar natural bar , so let's just copy how 'd ya spell nut , natural ?
5 There 's only so much that anybody 's brain can handle at any one time so let's just do a little experiment because there was a chap called George Miller an American psychologist who worked on this idea of what is the capacity of the brain , how many bits of information can the brain hold on to at any given time .
6 Er … forgot who this is … so let's just give him the popular name ‘ Local ’ , when in fact he probably is n't .
7 So let's just recap on the ones you 've done this morning , you 've done a high sling yes
8 Right , so let's just get back to some numbers erm looking at the European Community right , the producer benefits alright , the European Community common agricultural policy produces benefits thirty three point three billion dollars presumably yes , billion dollars .
9 So let's just look at gating for a second .
10 so let's just look again at one , five , three please you see you were asked about whether or not the brochure would be updated and when it might be updated , in what particulars circumstances , do you remember Mr ?
11 So let's just see where we 've got to .
12 So let's just see how people have marked and what people see as the criteria .
13 So let's just say I 'm happy here .
14 Listen , I know that guy better than his family does , so let's just say he 's gone and good luck . ’
15 So let's just say that in a poll of several of the best known , best regarded children 's agents , the general , unattributable response to whether and how the recession is affecting their is as follows .
16 So let's just say , six pounds and costs because every day you know
17 So let's just say it breaks even .
18 So let's just have a look then at what our statutory rights are under the Sale of Goods Act .
19 Right now look , th , right , so let's just have a look erm at mutton Jeff down there , what , what have yo , what have you decided that you , your thoughts are now , strengths weaknesses or whatever , how are you gon na change ?
20 well a number of things have come up so let's just take a couple of votes as er , from hearing from a few people and of which people have n't managed to speak so , first of all , er , er people talked about fear being larger than the incidence of assault , are you afraid to go out in the dark ? , button one for yes and button two for no do you find that your afraid to go out in the dark , and then this hundred and that 's a very , I mean that 's , that 's a very significant figure fifty seven out of this hundred women say yes that their afraid to go out in the dark from time to time , I mean that , that is not as it should be , let me ask you are you ever afraid in your own home ? , button one for yes and button two for no and that two is a very worrying figure , twenty nine of of this hundred say yes their afraid in their home , let me ask you this have you trained in self defence ? , button one for yes and button two for no , I mean its something that comes up from time to time and I do n't know what your view and whether or not its a good idea , well twelve of the hundred here have er , eighty eight say no , of those twelve would you recommend it ? , did it make you feel better ? , yes
21 So let's just read those opening verses , it says , now all the tax gatherers and the sinners were coming near Jesus to listen to listen to him .
22 So let's just use this passage to make a Loving The Jesus Way At School checklist .
23 So let's just try one to sort that out .
24 So let's just try that now who 've we got here .
25 You say the earliest we 're going to get the results is nine , so let's just phone in around then .
26 interest tax relief , it 's M I D A S right , so let's not start talking about the benefit of public sector housing and to show the financial illiteracy of of of what 's actually been proposed if you understand the government regulation about the ring fencing o of of of the housing revenue account and and the way in which housing benefit is now having to be subsidised by those other council house tenants then what 's actually going to happen when your poor people inhabit those houses , those public sector houses and they need the housing benefit that David 's been talking about .
27 So let's not credit the carp with problems it has n't got when , in fact , it is a remarkably effective eating machine .
28 After all , it is this that we want to increase , so let's not go against anything you know already .
29 So let's not pamper these criminals .
30 Nowhere else will be able to afford to do it , so let's not pretend that it 's not gon na affect those people outside .
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