Example sentences of "so low that they " in BNC.

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1 For many older people , income is so low that they have to claim additional means-tested benefits such as income support , housing benefit and community charge ( poll tax ) benefit .
2 Some people said that their incomes were so low that they could not obtain mortgages and 18 were squatted in by former occupants who refused to pay the money .
3 They are low , so low that they can hardly be called a threshold — more a ramp , with a sign over it begging ‘ Please , please walk up ’ .
4 The self-image of older people is closely linked with morale , which for many has sunk so low that they often do not wish to continue living .
5 Other people are hoping that the standards that can be set for the 7 , 11 and 14 tests must necessarily be so low that they need hardly be attended to .
6 However , in Brimelow v. Casson , persuasion of theatre proprietors by a theatrical performers ' protection society to break their contracts with a theatrical manager was justified on the grounds that the wage paid by the manager to chorus girls was so low that they were obliged to supplement it by resort to prostitution .
7 Below them were straight roads ridged above the fields , with villages strung along them as if clinging to the security of high ground ; isolated farms with their roofs so low that they looked half submerged in the peat ; an occasional church tower standing majestically apart from its village with the gravestones planted round it like crooked teeth .
8 Some risks are so great that they can not be tolerated under any circumstances , while others are so low that they can be tolerated without further justification ; between these extremes , assessment is needed .
9 Hugging the ground , dodging clumps of splintered trees , hopping over hedges and walls and old fortified lines , Lambert led Kimberley and Killion so low that they had little opportunity to take their eyes off the terrain and look for balloons .
10 My own opinion is that the salaries of judges are so low that they do not attract the best brains .
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