Example sentences of "so strong that it " in BNC.

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1 This camp was so strong that it remained as a major fortress for the Garonne region for centuries to follow .
2 When it was midnight and Rodrigo was fast asleep , the leper breathed against him between his shoulders , and that breath was so strong that it passed through him , even through his breast ; and he awoke , being astounded , and felt for the leper by him , and found him not ; and he began to call him , but there was no reply .
3 At the start of the contact the need to be stroked is so strong that it suppresses their fear .
4 Maybe hatred could grow so strong that it became a force of its own , he thought — a real physical force .
5 The secret that lay between them , those minutes when he had held her shaking body against the tree trunk and stared into her eyes , compelling obedience , had bound them with a cord so strong that it could n't be frayed , either by the enormity of their shared guilty secret , or by the small rubs of living together .
6 In recent years the evidence for the health benefits of fibre , or ‘ roughage ’ as it used to be called , has grown so strong that it has filtered through from the medical journals and is now well known to the British and American public .
7 If you choose a backing in the middle of the tonal range , such as a bright turquoise green , its colour will be so strong that it overpowers those of the pressed materials .
8 Christians see the power of God 's love as so strong that it overcomes sin and death .
9 As Dalgliesh eased his long limbs in the adjoining chair and rested his arm along its back , it seemed to him that his body encompassed and , by its own calm presence , gently eased a core of fear and tension in his companion , so strong that it was almost palpable .
10 On one side is the shattering power of time : This feeling of inevitability becomes so strong that it makes the poem comment on itself in surprised awareness — ‘ Oh fearful meditation ! ’ — and pushes on to an apparently unanswerable climax : ‘ Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back ? / Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid ? ’
11 Indeed , the research evidence is so strong that it is now reflected in the high incidence of work teams , ‘ away days ’ for functional groups and courses in team-building .
12 Indeed , some have argued that the ‘ traditionalism of his general philosophy is so strong that it virtually disables him from that critical rationalism which is essential for the appraisal of particular traditions ’ .
13 The underlying structure of the international system , crucial for Neo-Realism , is offered as an explanation of behaviour so strong that it no longer matters how , or even whether , the actors understand the world about them .
14 Also , the Beastline Enchantment was still so strong that it was not judged necessary for the Ritual to be invoked and the ceremonial mating with the Wolves to take place .
15 The magnetic field would be so strong that it could focus these particles into jets ejected outward along the axis of rotation of the black hole , that is , in the directions of its north and south poles .
16 Through the first course , clear soup so strong that it almost jellied in an empty soup plate , he talked to Aunt Tossie while she supped up her soup delightedly and gave him gardening secrets for his mother .
17 It was as if I suffered from an optical illusion so strong that it consumed my other senses .
18 Another milestone was passed in 1989/90 with more than 200,000 candidates registering for one or more modules for that year ; indeed the growth in the number of candidates has been so strong that it is likely to pass 225,000 this year , a rise of more than 15% .
19 There was no flat black Córdoba hat , but it was the same man and Maggie felt an almost bitter rush of disappointment , so strong that it took her by surprise .
20 A delusion , on the other hand , is a , is a much more serious kind of factual error in which the element of wish fulfilness becomes so strong that it wo n't countenance any evidence against it .
21 if you remember the question that the founding fathers faced was how do you create a government which is strong enough to endure and to defend the nation and defend the country yet a government which is not so strong that it erodes the rights of individuals within it , this is the , the essence of the , the problem of government as , as the founding fathers saw it .
22 A physical longing so strong that it seemed her very survival must be linked to it .
23 Palace battled commendably enough in a lively clash but Arsenal 's dominance was so strong that it was surprising they finally needed Wright 's brilliance to win a game they controlled almost throughout .
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