Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] him [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact he takes his role as guardian of these fey fellahin so seriously that perhaps one should regard him as the Brobdingnagian Mayor of Gumnutland .
2 A female that moves in with an already paired male must share him with the other females .
3 Well , I can tell you something ; I 'm on my own in this house from now on and I shall see to her bathing , and should he attempt to stop me , I 've told him what I 'll do ; I 'll brain him with the first thing I get my hands on .
4 There was a moment , as she felt the release from the flimsy protection of her undergarments , when it seemed as if something yet might stop him in the tidal wave of passion , but his intention overwhelmed any such hesitation , and with a moan of desire she put herself entirely into his hands .
5 ‘ Hopefully we 'll meet him in the Premier League next season . ’
6 Get a piece of Brie and some Vignottes , that 'll put him in the forgiving mood . ’
7 Maggie started to laugh , saying , ; ‘ If you could n't find him among the five hundred there 's less chance you 'll find him among the fifty . ’
8 If Dad is a war movie buff you could treat him to the classic Bridge Over The River Kwai .
9 Rory could see him through the open door as he crossed from the bungalow , through the yard of machinery and tractors , and into the business block .
10 Old Peter was off to a STBO Club trip to Warwick Castle and besides , we 'd pay him for the two barrowloads we liberated .
11 But Ranulf was here and while Corbett bathed and changed his clothing , he wondered how Ranulf could protect him from the secret assassins now stalking him .
12 Edberg 's rise to No 2 , although a welcome gesture from Wimbledon in recognition of his two titles , could backfire , with the chance that today 's draw could place him in the same half as former champions Boris Becker and Michael Stich .
13 I mean I believe I could love him in the other way , his way , now .
14 Familiarity with the area may blind him to the obvious .
15 Such a ban on Hateley would debar him from the European Cup final in May , should Rangers overcome Marseille and then do well enough in their last Group A match , against CSKA Moscow at Ibrox .
16 The arrangement would bring him into the same stable as Hackett menswear , and people who mix in such circles believe that Lagerfeld , who designs for Chanel and Fendi , will also work for Chloe , Dunhill 's fashion label .
17 ‘ I had arranged with Sister Stevens that on the next occasion that Len presented with either a hangover or a stomach upset I would refer him to the occupational health centre where they would suggest counselling , as I believed Len was becoming a danger to himself and everyone else . ’
18 And hearing him Minch was pleased , for she saw that he was learning to understand others and would be ready for the harder lessons she would give him in the coming year .
19 She was watching him so intently as he bit into it that he began to wonder if Smallfry was right to fear she would poison him at the slightest opportunity .
20 He was more confident than his first ‘ angel ’ that heaven would provide him with the best of both worlds , and he wrote jauntily to his second wife that he had prayed that
21 One day soon she would see him for the last time .
22 Less than a year later he was embarked on a career which would take him from the industrial grime of Taibach into films and on to the West End with hardly a pause for breath .
23 Colin inspected the room looking for the clues , looking for the vital piece of information that would lead him to the same conclusion as Smith .
24 In 1952 in northern Greece he began making his own systematic digs , which a quarter of a century later would lead him to the royal treasures .
25 She was supposed to be pregnant and perhaps Scotland might still get its heir but would it be a male prince and who would protect him over the coming years ?
26 He 'd seen enough trees dose to the boundary to know he could use them to scale up , and his coat would protect him against the barbed wire .
27 A couple of hours ' leisurely stroll would get him to the Georgian capital shortly before dusk fell .
28 Mr Kinnock staggers under the additional handicap of having no ministerial experience which would equip him for the supreme office to which he aspires .
29 ‘ I would put him in the same bracket as Beryl Reid ’
30 I would put him in the same bracket as Beryl Reid . ’
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