Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [conj] [art] [noun] is " in BNC.

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1 All the alternatives have not been properly considered , and must be before the Institute is committed to an enterprise of this magnitude .
2 The answer must be that the bird is designed by nature for this medium in the same way that dolphins are designed for life beneath the sea .
3 That developing process is itself totalized through Sartre 's assertion that each totalization is the totalization of all struggles , as it must be if the singular is to incarnate the universal .
4 For a child with long-term language difficulties , an appropriate interpretation might be that the LAD is damaged in some way but , without a more detailed analysis of the processes at work and how they contribute to language performance , implications for intervention which stem directly from this theoretical position remain elusive .
5 There 's no way of telling how tawdry the trinket contained inside might be and the tackiness is not always related to the price .
6 Though the outlook for the UK is not as bright as it might be and the US is likely to take a knock from an end of price discounting in the car market , Europe looks set to turn in another strong performance .
7 Though the outlook for the UK is not as bright as it might be and the US is likely to take a knock from an end of price discounting in the car market , Europe looks set to turn in another strong performance .
8 For our purposes , the distinction could be that a diary is written at the time of the event , memoirs are a writer 's recollections of a particular period ( perhaps aided by diaries ) in which he was not necessarily the central character , while an autobiography is an attempt to give a systematic and chronological record of the author 's life , with himself at the centre of the story .
9 It could be that the recession is biting , and that people just do n't have the kind of money to spend on records that they used to .
10 It could be that the market is too small .
11 It may be that a judge is well qualified to conduct enquiries to establish what took place on particular occasions .
12 If the telephone conversation amounts to no more than an inquiry or preliminary discussion , it may be that no contract is made then .
13 It may be that the question is one of degree : to what extent is a pocket calculator ‘ intelligent ’ ?
14 ‘ It may be that the Order is intra vires the statute .
15 No we do n't , erm we in principle obviously we are in favour of er there being some form of compensation scheme and that has to be regarded as erm a step forward , er it would be better if er whatever compensation scheme is gon na be introduced was introduced now and the committee recommended and not in nineteen ninety-six or whenever it may be that the legislation is enacted .
16 This looks as if the intervention is effective but it may be that the child is just responding to rewards rather than learning new behaviour .
17 But it may be that the company is producing a range of products and has set up separate units or subsidiaries to exploit each product market .
18 It may be that the ex-employee is now working in an entirely different area of that business , such as wholesale , whereas his former employer 's business is retail .
19 It may be that the case is out of line with modern mores .
20 ‘ If this [ the limitation to the relationship of master and servant ] is so , it is unfortunate ; but it may be that the provision is not so severely limited .
21 It may be that the Committee is unaware of the amount of work we do on behalf of cycling in Scotland .
22 If it is difficult to defend where the line is drawn , it may be that the line is drawn in the wrong place and that it should be drawn instead so that it includes all those who were infected because of NHS treatment — not just some .
23 Thus , making use of the abbreviation dB for decibel , when , for example , the power is said to be modified by and when , the modification of power is described as An alternative expression of the power change in these two cases would be that the power is reduced or attenuated by +20 dB and +6 dB respectively .
24 Naturally , the longer the delay the more likely it will be that the prosecution is at fault , and that the delay has caused prejudice to the defendant ; and the less that the prosecution has to offer by explanation , the more easily can fault be inferred .
25 In particular , in this type of assessment it is important not just to think in terms of incremental cash flows above those currently being received , but also to bear in mind what the problems will be if no investment is undertaken .
26 No doubt this will provide much heated debate for the pub ; but the real test will be if the system is accepted by those climbing new routes in the future .
27 One such occasion will be when the adult is brought to hospital unconscious after an accident , and has had no opportunity to signify whether she consents to treatment or not .
28 You will be when the background is drawn , and several of these creations appear at once !
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