Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The question of taking pension holidays in between out of surplus is a sort of mid midway position , but er very definitely we feel strongly that money should not go back to the company .
2 In order to find out what the substantive law is , we must still go back to the time when Law and Equity were administered in different courts ; we may still have to picture to ourselves distinct proceedings taken about the same matter in those courts , and work out the result of those separate proceedings .
3 Into Wales I should switch to the Abergavenny mast , but approaching Abergavenny when a big hill causes problems , I should briefly tune back to the Wenvil setting , then return to Abergavenny until the Llandrindod Wells mast comes into view .
4 let's just go back to the pace then .
5 He 'll probably merge back into the Department of Transport .
6 He might also press back against the plinth when he tried to move his seat or legs .
7 Looking at it realistically , I think I 'll either go back into the museum side of things or carry on with what I 'm doing now .
8 But you 'll never get back against the wind .
9 I 'd rather go back to the Ministry Of Defence ! ’
10 " As for going underground , I 'd rather go back over the heather .
11 ‘ I think I 'd sooner go back to the house . ’
12 The human will could not stand back from the Great Battle raging in its own soul as well as in the world at large : it had to choose to contend either for God or the Devil .
13 If his education were below that of his audience he could not fall back on the validity of the Sacraments he administered for support .
14 Dana Gillespie : ‘ I 'd just come back from the States and was hanging around with a band called Ashton Gardner and Dyke .
15 I would often hear from my assistant who now looks after Cher , but at that time was delegated to looking after me , and she would say that she 'd just come back from the MainMan offices and the main office door was closed into DeFries 's inner sanctum and there were raised voices between him and David in there .
16 One day , on his way to do the ploughing , he met a man who 'd just come back from the south and had passed several flocks of sheep on the other side of Chhakuri Lekh .
17 Once intimate told me : ‘ Now he 'd just come back from the ‘ A ’ tour and his confidence was sky-high when he learned , at second hand as far as I know , that Matthew was going to be vice-captain .
18 In choosing a kasabat kadilik , then , a student was in effect shutting himself off from the high offices of state and , provided that he intended to stay within the learned profession , dooming himself to a lifetime of service in the kasabat kadiliks unless he could somehow get back into the medrese stream .
19 So it was a case there , and course at the end of the day you rolled the little roll up , put elastic round and stood them up in a file and they stood there like little soldiers and you could always go back to the actual time , sometimes you found a man had n't re erm signed on , he 'd just gone and joined his bus up in town centre , well you , that was er subject of another letter .
20 If we ca n't see anything more unusual suppose we could always fall back on the bubble baths or the anyway I think that 's a bit more than but there you go .
21 Gough could always write back to the Scottish League — as he is obliged to do this week in response to the management committee 's request for his views on United 's complaint over Ferguson — and point out that being forced to go to such lengths to contain his opponent proves he was correct to covet the forward for his team .
22 If the backpack gets too heavy , of course , you could always canoe back down the river to Chepstow !
23 ’ You could probably get back into the FedPol .
24 Thomas could now look back on the papers he had begun , or completed and sold in his first two terms , as ‘ vain stuff ’ but he continued to write verses , which were sent to Harry and Helen .
25 I could n't go back into the office in this state .
26 She could n't go back into the house either .
27 You could n't go back to the time when the great art critics like Bernard Berenson and Herbert Read reigned supreme , even if you wanted to .
28 Plenty of men could n't settle back into the old ruts after the war .
29 Obsessed with Siti , the youngest , he stole her sarong from the bank so that she could n't fly back to the stars with her startled sisters .
30 They could n't get back to the bank without treading on shifting , clutching , cloying marsh , which could trap them and draw them right down ; and if they stayed in the car , sooner or later they would go under with it .
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