Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [adv] have [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But , instead of being able to sit back and enjoy this baby , she has also to look after the other children who may only just have left the baby stage themselves .
2 And we should most certainly have heard the Gruagach if they had been following us .
3 Reproach mingled with anger — anger that she did not wait , anger that another man should so easily have taken the woman he loved , anger that she should be heavy with another man 's child .
4 Does the Prime Minister agree that although there is scope for compromise on many matters at Maastricht , the one issue on which it is impossible to compromise is the difference between those who believe that Britain could and should join in a single currency and those who believe that we should not do so at any price and that we should never even have joined the exchange rate mechanism ?
5 That I know we 're flogging a dead horse , but that half past ten , a phenomenal amount of time , it should never ever have taken a fraction of that if it had been done properly .
6 Secretary Jim McDowell says he will still consider players who may not yet have had the chance to come forward for consideration .
7 We might not even have won the league in the first place .
8 Erm , shall we start , you might not even have to get the , shall we start it , the ball rolling then ?
9 If not for the help of the librarian she might not even have found the book .
10 The comparatively gentle Dustin might not fully have realised the movie 's meretricious implications .
11 And water being a conductor , the charge might just possibly have bridged the gap by this means .
12 Having entered Royal Navy slang in this way the word could quite reasonably have been transferred from the specimen to the specimen collector , and , its origin forgotten , its vowels might equally reasonably have undergone a sea change making boffin out of buffon .
13 It was Boyle 's contention that if William Harvey had not asked himself about the purpose of valves in the veins , he might well not have discovered the circulation of the blood .
14 British playwright John Arden ( he of Sergeant Musgrave 's Dance ) accepted the Obie on Henry Livings 's behalf , though , commented Livings , ‘ In his mild way John hinted I might well not have enjoyed the way it was done in New York , but I never argue with box-office returns . ’
15 The courts might very well have held the contrary , and have left the matter to the agreement of the parties , but undoubtedly the law is so settled . ’
16 The brilliance of this conjunction would certainly have been , important to ancient astrologers : the three Magi , on the reasonable assumption that they were students of the skies , might very likely have followed the ‘ star ’ to its ‘ source ’ .
17 He 'd much rather have advised a disciple — the earnest girl Fruitbat , perhaps , or her relentlessly smiling lover , Chogyam-Jones , who dressed in what looked like a Chinese carpet ; their flattery was becoming necessary .
18 Uncle Philip could only ever have possessed the one hat .
19 But unions were in fact composed of and certainly led by such men , though the bourgeois mythology saw them as mobs of the stupid and misled , instigated by agitators who could not otherwise have earned a comfortable living .
20 In fact , no offence had been committed , so that the assistance sought could not actually have impeded the police .
21 Only much later , in court , did it transpire that the witness could not possibly have seen the suspect 's face at the distance 75 metres in conditions of semi-darkness .
22 On reflection , costly mistakes were made with both the Class 27s and 45s , whose short careers could not possibly have justified the lavish life-extension work carried out on them .
23 What , however , is the position if , at the time of the buyer 's wrongful anticipatory repudiation , the seller had already been disabled from completing the essential terms of the contract ( e.g. the seller 's factory making the goods was already so far behind in production that the seller could not possibly have delivered the goods by the contractual delivery date ) .
24 Faith could not possibly have known a booking-clerk at a railway station , therefore he had certainly been a stranger , idle and curious , a watcher at the funeral .
25 She could not possibly have known the misery such a revelation would cause him , because now he was forbidden to call her by any other name and he knew from painful experience that Tom Fish would not relent until he had his way .
26 When Derek got the run they all cheered and a reporter commented that they had given him a great welcome , but could not possibly have known the significance of the run .
27 Those who accepted his commandments were to be judged in punctilious accordance with the law , whereas the ignorant savage in the darkened jungle who could not possibly have known the light would be treated with gentleness and given a second chance .
28 Her father could not possibly have owned a house like this , nor could he have owned half the things in it .
29 The National Health Service was a genuine concern to many people , and for this and similar reasons , he believed , Margaret Thatcher could not possibly have won the next election for the Tories .
30 The speech came over the wires so late and the sheets were so confused by the Post Office — which is usual in these cases — that without the precis we could not possibly have got the leader through in time for the first edition .
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