Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] for another [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While on sick leave , you must not work for another employer and should not engage in activities which your illness would normally prevent and which could therefore raise doubts about the nature of your illness .
2 Back at the Military Port in Marchwood , the working day for the remainder of the regiment would not start for another hour and a half .
3 He wanted desperately to forget himself and who he was , or had hoped to be ; now , there was little hope , for the money he had carefully set aside for his expected purposes would not last for another year , and he had no employment .
4 Although Laura would phone Jacqui every day she would usually ask for another dress ‘ along the same lines ’ .
5 Sometimes I feel I 'd like to pack a bag and just go … sometimes you think you ca n't manage for another minute . ’
6 Sometimes you think you ca n't manage for another minute . ’
7 Mr Jarvis says he 's delighted with the coursework pupils have produced on the film , but that the scheme can only continue for another couple of years .
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