Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] [pron] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 as if following up a train of thought , he looked across at Joe , saying , ‘ I wonder if those thieving scoundrels will be on the prowl again tonight ? ’ and Joe answered , ‘ I should n't think they 'd have the nerve to make a third trip , not in the same week , anyway . ’
2 But , to get back to your problem , I should n't think you 'll have much difficulty getting another job , will you ? ’
3 No , I should n't think he 'll have time .
4 Mhm yeah yeah but er well anyway if you get some stuff together and we 'll see we 'll see how it goes but er yeah so I think you 'll probably find you 'll have to work quite briskly erm
5 His present-day detractors might well ponder what would have happened to the country had he died .
6 And Adam could n't see he would have been much worse off .
7 You could never tell who might have seen you .
8 You need n't think I 'd have come to see you in Brixton .
9 I said , I would n't have you would have bothered .
10 I ca n't think what can have happened to my uncle . ’
11 I ca n't think anybody would have more .
12 ‘ I ca n't think anyone would have an adverse word to say about him , he was always so polite , considerate and caring to others , ’ Mr Ivory said .
13 I ca n't see you 'll have to pick it up and show me I 'm not climbing over the chair to look show me .
14 We ca n't know what would have happened if it had tried something else , nor ( and this is important ) what would have happened if someone else had tried the original solution .
15 ‘ I ca n't believe she 'd have gone out and left her garage open .
16 I ca n't believe he would have taken much of its meaning .
17 ‘ I ca n't believe he could have been that stupid .
18 On reflection Eire Og will probably feel they should have come up trumps , but they were never able to put enough daylight between themselves and their opponents .
19 ‘ One can only speculate what would have happened had this not been done but I seriously doubt if we would be meeting here today had not the capital infusion been made in 1990 and this plan put into place and well executed .
20 Not only that : we can not predict who will have those extra years . ’
21 If they can not agree it will have to go to a public inquiry .
22 er but you can definitely have you can have six sixteen if you wanted .
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