Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [to-vb] him [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 'll have to snap him out of it and keep him to the exercises or he 'll ruin himself . ’
2 When he stood in the middle of the road waving his arms it was only because he was hungry and wanted his dinner , now you 'll have to trundle him about in a wheelbarrow like a dead sheep , you 'll have no time for skirmishing .
3 It starts at nine fifteen , so I 'd have to bring him over to you quite , quite early
4 so he said I 've had to , they 'd have to keep him in for ten days or more you know
5 Given the choice , she 'd really rather have had an assignment in Outer Mongolia or possibly Timbuktu — maybe by putting a few thousand miles between herself and Dane she 'd manage to get him out of her mind .
6 ‘ If we could revive Monaghan Day for Daddy it could help to start him back to himself .
7 If he improves over the next 3–4 years and lasts until he 's 30 , then you will have to put him up alongside the other 2 .
8 Robert von Tonder , leader of the white separatist Boer-estaat Party , warned : ‘ Since De Klerk wo n't allow us an election to get him out democratically , we will have to get him out by other means .
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