Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] its [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Otis Ferguson was aware that the film depicted a ‘ phony strike ’ and that there was no real analysis of labour-management problems but he still felt that it had ‘ this air of life whatever we may think of its social content ’ .
2 However , by-products are by-products , and we ought to concentrate on its intended use .
3 Besides the technical rarity and interest of this work , one must comment upon its aesthetic resemblance to the art of Rembrandt and recall that they were contemporaries .
4 Each must relate to its mating part to provide the overall function .
5 The acceptance of such a scheme meant that the government had accepted , albeit for economic and demographic reasons , the principle that ‘ society should include in its economic structure some form of direct financial provision for the maintenance of children , instead of proceeding on the assumption that , save in cases of exceptional misfortune , this is a matter which concerns only individual parents and should be left to them because normally men 's wages or salaries are , or ought to be and can be made to be , sufficient for the support of their families ’ ( Rathbone , 1940 ) .
6 Ideally , we would like just these settings Sk to appear , and no others ; and each should appear with its natural frequency Fk .
7 Thus if the acoustic-phonetic rules and the accompanying normalization procedures work perfectly , lexical access should work at its maximal efficiency .
8 Peter Lilley , in the absence of anything new , believed the Government should stick to its familiar policy .
9 Finally the determination of the " essence " or " substance " of relationship must depend on its factual context .
10 In theory , the model should rotate about its vertical axis until the control is released and then stop .
11 The college should have as its prime concern the nurture of ethics and integrity ; they are the core of any professions .
12 Strange , that a system that purports to give the voter more power to elect should have as its very basis this bizarre limitation .
13 Formerly part of the renowned Secretan collection in Paris , it should sell within its ample estimate of $2–3 million ( £1,150,000 – 1,750,000 ) .
14 The Russian Federation Supreme Soviet on Jan. 29 decided that the Volga city of Kuybyshev should revert to its old name of Samara .
15 ( a ) Overseas Practice Rules 1990 Whilst the Solicitors ' Practice Rules only regulate the conduct of solicitors in practice as such in England and Wales , those who practise as solicitors outside that jurisdiction nevertheless remain subject to the authority of the Law Society and must comply with its Overseas Practice Rules .
16 It should be remembered that Hadley Wood tunnel and the East Coast main line was a favourite haunt of the Deltics that used it for almost all of their working life , so it is not surprising that one of their number should reappear on its familiar route .
17 When the National Curriculum was first unveiled , in the shape of Mr Baker 's celebrated ‘ Little Red Book ’ , I wrote a piece which began : ‘ If this were genuinely a consultative document , I should reply to its chief begetter that 20 per cent of it is potentially helpful , 20 per cent unexceptionable , and 60 per cent either foolish or dangerous or both ’ .
18 ‘ The party must fight for its new image , not only for its own members , but also in front of the whole nation . ’
19 Thus any construction with an adjective in postverbal position should differ in its semantic value from one using predicative position insofar , but only insofar , as the verb differs in its semantic value from zero .
20 From the gamut of titles , I select Stefan Buczacki 's Garden for All Seasons ( Conran Octopus , January , £8.99 , 1 85029 444 5 ) , Terry Underhill 's Heaths and Heathers ( David & Charles , February , £14.99 , 071530131 4 ) , Deni Bown 's Ornamental Herbs for Your Garden ( HarperCollins , April , £8.99 , 0 00 412831 1 ) , which you might know under its previous title Fine Herbs , and Caroline Boisset 's Plant Growth Planner ( Mitchell Beazley , March , £8.99 , 1 85732 093 X ) .
21 As it is , the estimates by engineers this week of how the diverted lava will flow and how soon it might return to its old course will be based largely on guesswork .
22 Discussions centred around developments in Eastern Europe , and the effect which Austria 's proposed membership of the EC might have on its neutral status .
23 Many businessmen fear that , while Peking may stick to its open door and reform policy in name , officials responsible for implementing it in the southern provinces may lose their jobs as hardliners attempt to tighten their political grip .
24 Like the aristocracy , therefore , the Church could count on its urban mob , and in the riots of 1766 the Orders were accused of releasing this urban clientèle against a reforming administration ; Aranda , the most conspicuous of Charles III 's anti-clerical ministers , called to power to deal with the rioters , seems to have planned a serious attack on poverty precisely because he feared the influence of a Church with a monopoly of outdoor relief .
25 One early sign of the rewards the FDP could expect from its moderating role was the election of one of its leaders , Theoder Heuss , as Federal President in September 1949 .
26 We could see by its black bib that it was a male ; the female 's throat is unmarked .
27 This was a declaration of sorts , however lightly made , and one which Dr Neil had not thought to make to any woman in any form , and before Sally-Anne could take in its full meaning he rapidly continued , ‘ And now let us stop providing entertainment for the passers-by .
28 I sincerely hope that it has been picked up by accident and that I will be re-united with it soon , as I find it hard to believe that such an incident could lead to its deliberate theft .
29 Nicholas Ridley , Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , will open the attack on Neil Kinnock , the Labour leader today with a warning that the party could revert to its left-wing image , if it were elected .
30 Finally , laminin could escape to its degradative process in the liver via portosystemic shunts .
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