Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [noun pl] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The authoritative parent tells us that we should do things and judges us ; the loving parent tells us not to worry and that they care .
2 ‘ I 'm sure we should reverse things and do it the other way around as the Americans do but it certainly means we can hit our irons well and , believe me , this course is going to demand exceptional iron play .
3 He says when it 's complete he 'll contact traders and address their greivances .
4 we 'll take sandwiches and ferry you and John an'all , I said well
5 And if it 's discovered that I spent most of my childhood in care , then reporters could make enquiries and turn it into a big thing . ’
6 Mozart 's reputation preceded him on the return trip , and the family were frequently detained so that he could give performances and display his talents .
7 It had been agreed that the DataCell equipment and software should be moved to Room 30 , so that as many staff as possible could test capabilities and finalise their requirements for a working system .
8 It seems ludicrous that Scottish Back-Benchers do not even have the facility of a Select Committee on Scottish Affairs to which we could summon Ministers and ask them in detail about the problems that we face .
9 The president and councillors were supposed to encourage an amicable settlement , but if they failed the president could convict wrongdoers and fine them up to twenty rupees .
10 Returning to work before you are fit could infect others and delay your recovery .
11 That same day he told me , as if he were giving me a magnificent present , that he thought he could pull strings and have me posted with him .
12 He used to trap animals and collect them and then one day instead of going out trapping animals he wrote this poem instead and ever afterwards he wrote poems instead of collecting animals .
13 It was only Sunday services but er we did occasionally have , cos you do n't get a wedding every day , but we did sing occasionally at the weddings , the biggest service was at Easter when there was quite a performance at Easter yes Joh Johnny he was a he was in the choir and he 's , there was another woman that might be interested a Mrs in Street during the fourteen war they used to have the Red Cross collection and they 'd organize processions round round the streets collecting for the Red Cross and they used to knit socks and send them out and all that sort of thing
14 These provide weedkillers , insecticides and fungicides to control weeds , pests and diseases which otherwise would damage crops and reduce their size by at least a third .
15 The hardships he accepted with a kind of satisfaction would benefit others and do their work a power of good , he said , and cited as an example a painter friend at The Hague , Theophile de Bock .
16 If the institutions remain so determinedly uninvolved , those who seek radical solutions will have to look elsewhere , possibly to an independent regulator who would appoint auditors and fix their remuneration .
17 Let's put uses and give me some different ones .
18 They want to give them the confidence to grow into caring and hard-working adults who will grasp opportunities and take their responsibilities seriously .
19 Bonn is now hoping that Mr Gorbachev 's publicly cautious , but presumably privately firm pressure on the East German leaders to reform will produce results and doing their best to reinforce it .
20 This will reduce distractions and help you concentrate upon your bodily feelings .
21 Along with the British Leather Manufacturer 's Research Association , it will investigate complaints and examine your garment for a relatively small fee .
22 Thus they emphasise the need ‘ to focus on personal changes that will enhance self-esteem , self-efficacy and confidence , and increase coping skills … and on environmental changes that will increase opportunities and make it more likely that later social circumstances will be beneficial ’ .
23 Finally , once you feel confident that you have selected the appropriate information , you can make notes and review your reading ( see next stage of strategy ) .
24 I can now talk to colleagues in other agencies , I can see ministers and tell them what 's needed , and I will do that
25 He is also firmly committed to proactive management : ‘ This is n't the kind of business environment in which we can set targets and expect something to happen , and we 're not waiting for an economic turnaround to provide us with the kind of results we want to turn in .
26 I 'd rather work in a place like that , where we can face problems and move them on and develop things carefully , than to work in some places in the country where things are so far off agenda , as it were , as to be impossible .
27 Economic independence can create choices and build your self-respect .
28 It 's more of a trick to see if we can get artistic freedom within a business structure — to see if we can create things and sell them without charging five times our cost . ’
29 The leisure and hospitality industry can offer a wide range of careers which can develop individuals and give them qualities which can be applied to many different business disciplines .
30 Unlike the days of old when typography and design were learned over generations , desktop publishing has provided a fast track where we can take ideas and try them out to see if they work .
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