Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [noun pl] [that] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The novelist should possess qualities that are similar to those of a great statesman .
2 You 'd show films that were old , even in those days .
3 In other words , the body 's detoxification enzymes have evolved to deal with a certain range of naturally occurring chemicals — they can go to work on synthetic ones , but on the way to breaking them down they may produce intermediates that are harmful .
4 Umm yes I do have I have n't brought it with me but I do have a book at home that that erm in that showed you know the pieces of fabric that you had left over from doing all this , erm I 've got a pattern that my mother actually used to make things that were very are now very unpopular for my children .
5 This plan makes it as likely as possible that I shall employ behaviours that are appropriate in two vital ways :
6 Patients may propose options that are ineffective to avoid the necessity of changing , and relatives may collude to deny the presence of a psychiatric problem .
7 Herbert Simon has argued ( 1969 : 115 ) that evolution will prefer structures that are decomposable in this way , and that modularity may be expected in ‘ genetic programs ’ .
8 A profession of high morale and self confidence that has earned the esteem of those its serves , primarily parents and their children , will create schools that are effective .
9 A cylinder viewed under similar circumstances will reveal edges that are soft as they turn away from the observer .
10 You claim that you can discover things that are unknowable in an orthodox fashion by moving about the representation of this world inside your own head .
11 For example , if you only specify a single mirror you can draw shapes that are symmetrical about a line — like a vase or light bulb etc .
12 These activities also provide an opportunity for developing effective working relationships with departments and for facilitating the means by which staff can develop skills that are specific to the needs of particular departments .
13 As people identify their own problems collaboratively and begin to analyze the conditions that contribute to the problems , they can develop strategies that are appropriate for their own culture , time , and place .
14 A simple mis-keying of a complex formula can produce errors that are hard to spot but which subtly change the balance and so disrupt the model 's accuracy .
15 I mean , I can find I can find places that are reasonable at that .
16 I do n't mean learning facts like ‘ Lemur is the capital of Peru ’ or that ‘ St Tracy is the patron saint of the dormer window ’ ( we can learn things that are false : learning is not mere information pick-up ) , but acquiring concepts such as what is to count as a ‘ chair ’ , that weight is conserved through transformations of shape , that the earth is a heavenly body circling a larger heavenly body .
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