Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [conj] she [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She may know that she is not going to recover from the blow of widowhood any sooner than other women do , many of whom at least have a large legacy of happy memories upon which to draw in the years ahead of them .
2 Well , she must do if she 's always in the Muckrakers . ’
3 You must remember that she was still hardly five years old and it is not easy for somebody as small as that to score points against an all-powerful grown-up .
4 Her only concern was where I should go while she was away .
5 I must state that she was not my favourite person .
6 Since she was capable of loving so deeply , she can still , if she chooses , remain in the business of giving and receiving love for as long as she lives , for although she may feel that she is no longer everything to anyone , she can still mean a great deal to a number of people .
7 Sue might know but she 's not telling us .
8 And of course she 'll say it 's all right and she 'll manage but she 's just being brave . ’
9 Mada Joyce did some higglering in the neighbourhood , taking produce from the smallholdings down to the market in the coastal town of Annotto to sell and buying any goods the villagers might require while she was there .
10 Let's see if she 's in . ’
11 You 'd think that she was still in her sixties , Constance thought approvingly , as Louise took out a cigarette and , crossing her legs decisively , made herself comfortable on the sofa .
12 It occurred to her that if this was a simple meal she would hate to see what Monique Lavaux could do when she was really trying .
13 She could feel that she was already soaking wet as she nuzzled up to him like a happy , purring cat .
14 Vapour from a heated pool in the centre of the floor obscured Folly 's vision with a steamy , exotically scented mist , but , even so , she could see that she was not alone .
15 Although it was almost dark , they could see that she was poorly dressed .
16 At least he could sleep while she was away .
17 They never dreamt that it could happen cos she was n't in the risk age group or anything , it just never crossed their minds that it might happen and they were totally well they just did n't know what to think .
18 She must bail before she could leave if she was not further to dampen her skirt ; but what did that matter ?
19 Tug could tell that she was desperately in earnest by the way she opened her eyes wide and by the little sudden lift of her eyebrows .
20 ‘ It 's two and a half guineas ! ’ she hissed at Louise , who could tell that she was genuinely appalled .
21 ‘ But I used to wonder whether she was ever going to get married .
22 Passive suffering , where the woman does n't move around , scream or swear , may mean that she is too focused on the pain , with no distractions to help her .
23 ‘ One would think that she was merely asleep . ’
24 Discerning Greeks like Thucydides ( i. 10 ) knew that the relative splendour of the physical remains of Sparta and Athens was no index of their real strengths : suppose , he says , that the city of Sparta were to become deserted , future generations would find it hard to believe that the place , an old-fashioned , higgledy-piggledy collection of villages , was really as powerful as it was represented to be ; whereas if the same were to happen to Athens , one would think that she was twice as powerful as she really was .
25 In 1889 a Select Committee heard another plea from a male trade unionist for the restriction of married women 's work on the grounds that ‘ when the married women turn into the domestic workshops they become competitors against their own husbands and it requires a man and his wife to earn what the man alone would earn if she were not in the shop ’ .
26 At least then he would know that she was not lying on ice in a bloody mortuary .
27 He would sense that she was not herself .
28 They were drawing closer to the barrier now and Donna began looking for Julie , praying that her sister was waiting , hardly daring to contemplate what she would do if she was n't .
29 She did n't ever want to leave Ma and Pa , and she would die if she was n't near Edward .
30 ‘ Anyone who knows Jo would realise that she 's not the kind of person to do that , ’ he said .
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