Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [conj] i [vb base] n't " in BNC.

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1 Well he should do because I do n't think
2 To date I must admit that I do n't know why they sit tight .
3 My personal view , and I must emphasise that I have n't discussed it with John , is that we should not be offering a general horticultural advice service to all and sundry , but that we should restrict this to areas where we have recognised expertise — Alpine & Rock Gardens , Arboriculture , Glasshouse cultivation and others .
4 At this point I must say that I have n't yet found a carp that did n't eat Tropicanas .
5 I might do but I do n't
6 ‘ I 'm sure you 'll understand if I do n't tell you .
7 Er I think we should also assume that the regional er budgetholders will not make a contribution to any costs we might incur cos I do n't think any budget they 'll have will be intended to cater for er you know , paying people 's wages for them getting unpaid time off .
8 ‘ I think I 'll die if I do n't have a drink soon , ’ Elaine panted like a thirsty dog as they stepped out of Cave Shepard department store and began walking down Broad Street towards the car parked in Trafalgar Square .
9 Someone 'll hear and I do n't want to tell anybody Just yet .
10 ‘ I wish you 'd remember that I have n't got a fast-forward button , Flo ! ’
11 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
12 I could have but I do n't want too much rubbish around .
13 He said slowly , ‘ You do n't know me very well , Lissa , or you would understand that I do n't take kindly to facing the wrong end of a pair of shears .
14 I propose to call her , but if in the event I judge it to be unnecessary then I shall invite because I do n't want to add unnecessarily to the length of these proceedings .
15 Erm I think that those are erm er disadvantages with which any er possible location in Harrogate er District would start and I do n't think the assessment in Mr 's paper er accurately reflects either the criterion in the structure plan er in terms of assimilation , or indeed the nature of the landscape erm and what I know of it in the Harrogate District .
16 Southall said : ‘ Anyone who knows me will know that I do n't make rash statements .
17 I do n't know what August will bring but I do n't think so .
18 What will happen if I do n't make a Will ?
20 Only time will tell but I do n't think so .
21 And with this in mind and I 'm I 'm you will notice that I have n't spoken at all and that is quite deliberate on my part but then I can also say the same for many people sitting round here who know quite well that they have n't spoken either .
22 Well I do n't think actually , I mean I can remember and I do n't quite understand what 's going on here , keeps swapping and changing and I do n't understand it .
23 The same as the way that this gentleman has found it 's somebody else making a decision to what people can see and I do n't consider some a show like Pro 's and Con 's which had female nudity and two hundred and fifty people walk out in one night to mean something which I think is enhancing to the playhouse . .
24 I 've had the front hub off and checked it all , renewing the gasket but still it seems to be losing oil.l hope you can help as I do n't really want to get the garage to sort it out as it will cost a small fortune .
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