Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [conj] [noun sg] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One may think that Tolkien was rightly pushing towards a clarification of his ‘ mythology ’ .
2 It should recognise that evaluation is potentially very threatening to those whose practice is under scrutiny , so procedures need to be devised to protect the most vulnerable .
3 As Stamfordham wrote : ‘ We must recognise that Democracy is no longer a meaningless sort of shibboleth ; with the enormous increase of voters by the women 's franchise it is the actual voice , for better or worse , the political voice of the State . ’
4 However , the enthusiastic way in which the present Health Secretary , Virginia Bottomley , has implemented Opportunity 2000 in the NHS ( the government 's equal opportunity initiative for women ) and set clear targets for health authorities to achieve , should ensure that momentum is not entirely lost .
5 Aye , but you must remember that money was so scarce in the thirties that you could n't miss anything .
6 Applicants should note that smoking is strongly discouraged in the Institute .
7 We must ask whether performance is less important than general structural change in individual areas as well .
8 But by stretching their abilities to the limit , they 'll discover that success is not beyond their reach .
9 In passing , one might note that democracy was never an intention of the reformers but rather an unintended consequence of their theological reformation .
10 Different levels of technology ( which also implies economic surpluses available to implement them ) , together with different social values in earlier times , might mean that water was less important than we think .
11 You may remember that HRBMOA is also talking about purchasing the lease of the river when it comes up for bid some time hence .
12 No one could think that improvement is not necessary to safety , especially in quarrying , construction , diving or works transport .
13 If she could ring when Sister was n't likely to answer — during a consultant 's round — yes , that was it !
14 But now that he had had a good sleep , he could see that Strawberry was really a harmless , decent sort of fellow .
15 I could see that Strelsau was really two towns — the Old Town and the New Town .
16 A relative late-comer in the international shrimp market , Bangladesh could compete because labour is comparatively cheap .
17 I mean they 'll do nothing about sex , they 'll just do all about morals , wo n't they , and decent , respectable people I 'd say and biology 's just cold and clinical .
18 For that matter , one could argue that Vineyard was equally important — : )
19 Plants are normally under some form of stress — heat or light stress are two of many forms — but nevertheless plants are generally healthy , from which we may conclude that nature is continually carrying out a delicate balancing act among the contributing reactions making up the complete photosynthetic ‘ machinery ’ .
20 Repeated slips may mean that recovery was never clearly established in the first place or they may be an indication of the beginning of a full-scale relapse .
21 But are they the inevitable companions of hierarchy , or perhaps a product of the misuse of hierarchy that would disappear if hierarchy were properly understood and structured ?
22 If anything can be shown , it would appear that probation is more effective than prison in reducing the risk of further offending .
23 Whatever , you ca n't apply the urban type of capital back onto the land , so it 's okay to say this would work if capital was completely and perfectly mobile , but it is n't so , you do n't get that and you do n't get balanced growth of that .
24 Holders of this theory would suggest that syphilis was already established in Europe in pre-Columbian days and it was the increase in knowledge and the travel resulting from the Renaissance that made it appear as if a new disease had been introduced .
25 This would suggest that curiosity is not a by-product of intelligence , as we might expect , but rather an essential property of life .
26 The monitor that I would pick if money was n't a consideration was the Sampo Alpha Scan — a superior monitor for a reasonable price .
27 It forces us to consider what we mean by higher education and , indeed , I shall argue that research is not an essential part of the process of higher education as such .
28 The reply I envisage is likely to prove unsatisfactory to radicals and utilitarians alike , since it would state that poetry is ultimately its own justification , like music or games .
29 My life is certainly not dominated by sex ; in fact , on the whole I would say that sex is totally overrated .
30 And I 'm sure she would say that Anglicanism is n't just the clergy . ’
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