Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [adv] with [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If this happens the scab may bounce about with great speed and energy within the turret and may do as much damage as if the shell had actually penetrated .
2 A non-UK office of a UK firm must make the prescribed disclosure that the FSA protections do not apply whenever it tells a non-UK private customer that it is a member of SFA ( or , generally , an authorised person ) and must do so with equal prominence .
3 The patient 's affected side should work again with proper co-ordination within the whole body system .
4 Brown ( 1980 ) suggests that field dependence should correlate highly with natural language experience approaches to language instruction , while context independence should relate to more rigorous classroom-orientated learning .
5 ( 3.14 ) shows that the winding currents must vary cosinusoidally with demanded position in the situation where torque is proportional to phase current .
6 You should walk with a brisk step which indicates that you are interested in your job , never slouch along , droop your shoulders or flop awkwardly in a chair ; your head should be held high , your shoulders back ; you should walk gracefully with good body line , and sit and bend down elegantly .
7 Repairs and maintenance No one should put up with unrepaired property .
8 Anyway , with the topsy-turvy results this season has thrown up , it 's anybody 's guess what we 'll end up with after Man U v Forest has run its course on The Match on Sunday ( ITV , 3.25pm ) .
9 We 'll go on with routine procedure for now . ’
10 The dependency of the old person may emerge gradually with increasing frailty or suddenly , as after a stroke .
11 If I could get a home where my kids could grow up with daily fear and where I could also help my father , I could push this hell out of my mind and start afresh with my family .
12 CLEAR estimates that there are already four million cars in Britain which could run on unleaded petrol without adjustment , and a further nine million could do so with minor adjustment .
13 Once more we could look forward with anticipatory glee .
14 Given a fair wind the development could go ahead with minimum delay .
15 Learning how we measure time is something that could link effectively with cross-curricular work on telling the time , learning about the calendar and the seasons .
16 It was only a theory but it had always amazed him , and the other field operatives , how Philpott could come up with solid cover stories at such short notice .
17 Not even Jahsaxa would presume she could get away with multiple murder .
18 A man who wished to resist such turning could insist on keeping to the subject ; and forceful men who had the character of genial good nature could get away with open rebuttal of this kind ; but not all people who interrupted with open rebuttals acquired or maintained that character .
19 You 'd start off with parliamentary business then have a review of foreign affairs , and very important departmental things may often have to be shoved out of the way to another Cabinet .
20 They used to come round with cheap stuff , getting rid of their rubbish .
21 They declared that they would never again go willingly to war without clear political aims ; that when they did go to war for such aims , they would do so with overwhelming force ; and that they would discover , in advance , how they were supposed to get out of a job once they had started it .
22 Birkenhead , the chairman of the committee , which had produced rather limp conclusions , is reported to have broken an awed silence to announce that if the Prime Minister spoke to the House as he had just spoken to the Cabinet he would do so with unanimous support and triumphant outcome .
23 Whenever she came to the house with Peg she would look about with solemn curiosity , and her blue eyes dominated her wan little face .
24 The intention was that the commission would work harmoniously with local planning authorities and form an important addition to the planning machinery .
25 1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure .
26 Chemical warfare would set in with appalling ferocity , leaving the sward slimy with dead worms .
27 This would fit well with German population trends : university age groups will peak in the late 1980s and fall rapidly after 1990 .
28 Dr Marek said it was also likely that Saville 's would press ahead with opencast coal-mining on land near Lodge , causing further problems in a community already devastated by the loss of 1,200 steelworks jobs .
29 The rail route would link up with British Rail networks carrying commuters into London and provide request stops between medium sized stations , providing a viable public transport system for small villages .
30 You recall that we could not have the needles always selected in the same direction or we would end up with biased fabric ?
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