Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [pron] be [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 However , it can be quite useful to know how it is supposed to work , because it may explain what is going on , sometimes … .
2 okay , anybody got any other reasons why they think that maybe we ought to know what 's going on in other countries , why , why would we be interested in the roots in Kenya , India , why would we be interested in those countries ?
3 I mean my , one of my friend 's sons , he was a computer man , he was working on his own but he 's in his I should think he 's getting on for about forty six and he was doing freelance but this recession the people who er the firms who were employing him are using their own staff and they 're not calling on him now and er he 's not done any computing for twelve months .
4 When industry takes such decisions , the DTI must be involved and must know what is going on .
5 It is all very well , he argues , to say that voters should know what is going on , and use this knowledge to formulate their own electoral decisons ; but not when they are ‘ acting on duff information ’ .
6 Life is earnest and , as a responsible individual , I should know what is going on .
7 I think the world should know what 's going on .
8 ‘ If I am to help on this , then I should know what 's going on .
9 Pooling of clients and vendors is envisaged : ‘ Both parties should know what 's going on at both ends ’ .
10 She must see what was going on ; must find out who the men were and what it was they were carrying …
11 Then you know I mean they must have what was going on oh aye they just completely ignore it .
12 Now we 'll see what 's going on . ’
13 So anyway , this bloke says oh I 'll chase it up and I 'll see what 's going on , he says I 'll give you a ring in morning .
14 Oh , we 'll see what 's going on , have a look .
15 Let's see what 's going on here .
16 Some of the wealthier natives brought picnic hampers in the European manner , and their servants would unroll splendid carpets on the green sward ; while their banquets were spread out on the carpets they could watch what was going on through telescopes and opera-glasses which they had had the foresight to bring with them though what they saw , as they swept the ramparts of the Residency and banqueting hall can hardly have looked very impressive to them : just a few ragged , boil-covered skeletons crouching behind mud walls .
17 Taking out Gwendoline Bear , who went with her everywhere , she sat her in the middle of the bed so that she could see what was going on .
18 She could imagine what was going on in the lugubrious depths of Baikal .
19 That we could own what was going on in Canberra .
20 Asked Gary I would think they 're taking on extra staff
21 She could tell he was close to some revelation that would explain what was going on .
22 If the system changed every five minutes nobody would know what was going on , he said .
23 We do not send you copies of every letter we write , minutes of every meeting we attend , etc because we assumed you would realise we were getting on with the job .
24 Knowing that this particular subordinate is sensitive to criticism , you decide to reprimand him in the open-plan office where many of his colleagues at neighbouring desks will hear what is going on .
25 It is my belief that anorexic speech ( or , more literally , behaviour ) consists of two quite separate and often contradictory texts , and that it is only by studying them both , in order to fit them together and so come up with an amended text , that we can understand what is going on inside the anorexic herself .
26 The first is to provide simple descriptions of complex data so that we can understand what is going on in our experiments .
27 The two-stage compiler raises the intriguing possibility of gaining a direct C interface into Pick , but the company is adamant that the use of C rather than Flash Basic would be not only difficult , but also really naughty : ‘ that is not the intention ’ said one company official , adding ‘ we only mention the C interim step so that people can understand what is going on ’ — at least until , version 6.1 — of which , more later .
28 So , I can understand what 's going on , but it 's like when I saw it , I saw the R S C production ,
29 Diana much prefers sitting in the body of the auditorium where she can see what is going on on stage .
30 The foster parents remain unconcerned as their own eggs or nestlings follow each other to the ground , even when they can see what is going on .
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