Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [verb] at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such movements , however , do not necessarily and simply entail the substitution of a smaller conjugally-based family for a traditional extended family ; rather it would appear that at these times kin may take on a new significance , and that we may need to look at a network of relationships much wider than the conjugal family .
2 In theory the salesperson should attempt to close at a peak .
3 The same waves reached Hawaii in the central Pacific less than 5 hours later and must have travelled at a speed of 740 km per hour .
4 Before you make up your mind , you should aim to look at a variety of plans .
5 You 'll have to look at a map .
6 You 'll have to look at a map , a map on the wall in the tube .
7 An equal amount of injury might have happened at a football match but that was beside the point .
8 You could decide to work at a time when your partner or a friend is round to see the baby , or arrange for someone — a childminder or relative — to look after her for a few hours each week .
9 An added precautionary measure is to form Newco specially for the management buy-out rather than acquire a shelf company , because a shelf company 's accounting period may have commenced at a time when its Memorandum of Association does not reflect the relevant purpose test , for example , where a general trading company is purchased and turned into a holding company .
10 If a customer was unaware of the need to provide variation margin from time to time and had insufficient available funds to meet margin calls , then he may be forced to liquidate his position at a loss even though , had the contract been allowed to run to maturity , it may have closed at a profit .
11 If it becomes bored , a young dog especially may try to gnaw at a seat and cause a lot of damage .
12 Yep , I 'd finished the lodging houses , they were rough , my word they were rough , they used to get drunk and fighting , and of course they used to be amusing really they used to get fighting at a lodging house quite close to the dock and after when the windows was smashed , we would find that they 'd been temporarily repaired with a coal sack taken from the coal yard next door , and all that sort of business , and anyhow , nothing particular out of the way happened until three years later of course when we got the general strike , and the strikers used to meet outside the labour institution headquarters in Street .
13 Please submit your name to Beryl if you would like to teach at a training day .
14 Anyone would have felt at a disadvantage in such a situation .
15 But to have gone himself to Verdun at this hour would have demolished at a stroke the legend of imperturbability , upon which so much had been built , and the crash would have been deafening .
16 It means the person never has to work through their grief , but can stay poised at a moment in time , hoping that the news they heard , but can not believe , turns out to be wrong after all .
17 I doubt either can afford to stay at a hotel and I know for a fact that they 're not at any of the local hostels ; neither , I have been reliably informed , have they put in an appearance at the local ‘ hippie ’ compound .
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