Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [noun] [coord] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Glenn Hoddle says that playing at Wembley can be like making your debut … the sight of the twin towers still gives you a buzz but they 've got to forget all about that and get on and win the game … it 's a wonderful place to play he says and the pitch should suit Swindon but they 've got to concentrate on the job in hand
2 Well , well I think I would , I would rath it I mean i it they 've got the responsibility to whistle blow now , you know , professional they 've got , er you know , they 're they these are professionals and they should , they should whistle blow and I mean Maxwell is a perfect example of how nobody , nobody blew the whistle and if you read through the writs , those lots of these people knew what were what was happening an and the whistle should have been blown and I see no reason why the why the pension regulator is going to get any different , different response and also I mean really these people are being in many cases given by th given information by their clients , you know , and I think it 's a very difficult situation to turn round to , to somebody like Mr Maxwell and say well look I 'm terribly sorry Mr Maxwell , we 're going to report you to the pensions regulator , you know and I think that , that er you will just find that that I just do n't feel that the pension regulator in , in that respect , I mean I , I think that I might like to if Peter suggested a pension fraud squad that , that had a open telephone line and the same sort of er powers as the Serious Fraud Office you know , so that if er anybody in a pension fund could , could ring a number and er and people absolutely descended th that , I mean they ge they say somewhere in the report that the pension regulator is going to have er powers and monies to do spot checks .
3 I said to the farmers we s you should cut grass and you get nitrates into the water and I said to the farmers er er about their slurry throwing erm a muck across the land , we know the problems that causes , I said if we came out with fertilisers which were would you buy them if it costed a bit more .
4 When introducing the notion of mental holism earlier , I said that thoughts must have reference and I implied that only holistic systems could achieve this reference .
5 But , when Nigel comes next year he 'll bring Eileen and I think that under circumstances I think if we say well come for about quarter to two .
6 We would always advise caution in the use of these because they might have side-effects and we suggest any unnecessary use of drugs is undesirable .
7 I started taking smack at school , 'cos everyone in the — estate at that time was taking it and that was the only place you could buy pot and I sent one of me mates out from school one day to buy some speed and he come back with smack and said this is all I could get and I said I do n't want none of that , but in the end we ended up doing it because we was bored and we had nothing else to do .
8 Goram said : ‘ Not many people in England believed we could beat Leeds and I do n't suppose there are many Frenchmen who think we can beat Marseille either .
9 It could do good but it does more bad
10 The centre 's director , David Chi , asked the princess if she could use chopsticks and she demonstrated her ability with a flourish before turning her back on photographers and popping the pancake in her mouth .
11 So we still promised we 'd see nanny and we have n't , and we still promised to go to aunty 's and we have n't .
12 Erm the judges , seventy five er and that 's ten pound less than last year , maybe because we 're struggling to get judges forty two pound for the trophies erm er , fifteen pound for the fish tank and plates at seventy five forty seven , crisps , eight seventy eight , which we struggled to sell we think you could sell crisps but we had a struggle .
13 So maybe we could have royalty but they do n't , we do n't have to have the pomp and ceremony that goes with them and also the cost .
14 Th you said or you implied that the women were surprised that er that they could have power and you use it effectively .
15 And he could have salt but he does n't .
16 The local weather forecaster had told me we 'd get rain and we did .
17 Evil may inspire goodness but it does its best not only to ruin people , but also nature .
18 This conclusion may not remain universally true when we allow for heterogeneous capital ; none the less , the possibility remains that shifting may take place and we need to check when considering policy proposals the likelihood of this actually happening .
19 The women used to wear sari and I have never seen a lately with anything but sari , but now they have started wearing the Punjabi dress .
20 Jean owns a shop which used to sell clothes but she has now decided that given the location she would make more money running a restaurant at the same premises .
21 ‘ He used to play rugby but he does n't play now because he does n't like it anymore .
22 He used to play baseball and he wears a white baseball cap that one day may become as famous as Pat Cash 's chequered headbands .
23 We used to do needlework and we had to make a needlework apron in gingham , with lots of pockets for your buttons , and your thread , and your bottle of gin and all that … .
24 The mines used to use horses and they laid rails for the carts .
25 Then eqn ( 2.36 ) would give zero and we need better approximations for ri .
26 Friends , as we speak today about South Africa , we speak about transition transition from February nineteen ninety when De Klerk said that he would change things and he did change things and they were dramatic changes and then we had apartheid with a liberal dispensation .
27 The buses used to start from their to Hampton , and there used to be a place where they would leave newspapers and they put , put a er box there by that and people used to take out newspaper and put the money into the box and er , you ca n't dream of that sort of thing now .
28 Roman threw her a look that would melt steel and she started to withdraw , but Claudia called her to come in .
29 People always will want horses but they want them in different forms at different times .
30 Crosby feels that two more victories will ensure safety but he stresses that his players must continue to battle .
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