Example sentences of "[subord] those [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But their losses are in total less than those suffered by the major insurance companies in recent years .
2 Of all the obstacles put in the way of young refugees entering the learned professions , none were higher and bulkier than those erected by the medical fraternity .
3 All groups exhibited higher damage scores than those observed in the adaptive cytoprotection experiments shown in Figure 5 ( p<0.05 ) .
4 These are taken from broadcast acetates and the sound is more spacious than those made in the notorious Studio 8H .
5 This is admittedly a rather crude distinction , but one which could be justified by the very uneven break — some 80 per cent of establishments were " non-users " for each category — which it produced ; For experimental purposes we also separated out " high user establishments where the number of fixed-term contract or agency workers used was the equivalent of five per cent or more of the labour force but the results thereby obtained were not more instructive than those obtained by the initial classification and so are reported upon only in a limited fashion .
6 Administrators with a natural science background are much more likely to display a technocratic mentality than those trained in the social sciences ( Putnam , 1977 , p. 404 ) .
7 It is striking , however , that it is the richer developing countries , with a strong biomass base , that are utilising the technology and producing systems that are cheaper than those manufactured in the developed countries .
8 This is a far wider range of goods and services than those covered in the Retail Price Index .
9 Although Iraqi forces behind the front line put up more of a fight than those overrun in the initial phase of the offensive , resistance remained both light and sporadic .
10 drafting legal documents other than those comprised in the above sub-paragraphs .
11 Postmodernism points to a more organic , less differentiated enclave of organization than those dominated by the bureaucratic designs of modernity .
12 His speech was delivered by means of fingerspelling ( the mode adopted by all speakers who were each limited to ten minutes ) : Before I went to America I was rather one-sided , and opposed the teaching of speech too much ; but after entering the celebrated college at Washington , I saw that not only could speech be taught with much success , but that those educated on the combined system spoke better than those educated on the so-called pure oral method .
13 Delegates concentrated on the need for national unity and the restoration of the 1962 constitution [ see pp. 34767-68 ] , based on an elected parliament with more substantial powers than those accorded to the reconstituted Council elected in June [ see p.37549 ] .
14 The models are : ( solid line ) the adiabatic CDM with ( dot-dashed line ) the isocurvature CDM , model ( the CMBR points for this model are a factor of 6 smaller than those plotted for the adiabatic model ) ; ( dotted line ) the model with texture plus CDM , .
15 They helped to propagate a language through which the working class could articulate their frustrations ; they provided radical literature , leaflets and newspapers ; they furnished agitators with greater financial means and mobility than those drawn from the working class ; and they took a lead in establishing underground organizations able to build links between workers in different factories and cities and to survive recurrent police assaults .
16 Heat has entered the debate because the Medical Research Council ( MRC ) has submitted secret advice to the Home Office which claims that deaths after an attack may be lower than almost any published estimate — and certainly lower than those predicted by the National Radiological Protection Board ( NRPB ) , which has the statutory responsibility to advise the government on radiation hazards .
17 And the FDIC says the deal was at least better than those offered by the other bidders , Bank of America and Bank of Boston .
18 Since no words are hypothesized other than those expected by the syntactic and semantic component at that point in the network , a large number of words in the vocabulary need never be considered as possible hypotheses .
19 The only conclusion that is possible is , that until satisfactions other than those provided through the physical desires became necessary to enrich life , all that went before and contributed to the human body was ‘ good ’ , and any new philosophy or religion which emerges must be adapted to this .
20 You will frequently see a garment in a shape that suits pattern stitches and fabrics other than those suggested in the accompanying instructions .
21 According to defence analysts the US offer signalled cuts deeper than those required by the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty ( START ) ( signed in July 1991 ) which sought to reduce the number of " accountable " warheads held by the USA and the Soviet Union to 6,000 each [ see p. 38320 ] .
22 The standards required of successful candidates in GCSE examinations will not be less exacting , grade for grade , than those required in the existing GCE and CSE examinations .
23 It is anticipated that their wages will be the same as those transferred from the other department .
24 And even if their mother tongues are unrelated , the problems faced by the native English speaker will not necessarily by the same as those faced by the native French speaker , for instance .
25 This assertion was grounded on results of several studies , including one based upon the 25 WFS countries mentioned above and which reported that if all mothers had seven or more years of schooling , other things being equal ( that is , all mothers ' offspring would have the same conditions concerning survival as those observed for the educated mothers ' newborn babies ) , infant mortality would fall by 41 per cent and death rates of children aged 1–4 by 60 per cent ( Trussell and Pebley , 1984 , p.21 ) .
26 He did admit , however , that the growth itself had induced ‘ peculiar crises ’ , but not of the same character as those observed in the capitalist economies .
27 Far from doing this , Hildyard and Olson simply reproduce those very conventions in their own work making the same claims for objectivity as those made by the Royal Society .
28 Results using the tachistoscopic paradigm and a variety of verbal tasks are as conflicting as those obtained with the dichotic technique .
29 The form of slave production and exploitation and subsequent colonial development of the West Indies has also ensured for most of the islands a fate similar to that of many modern African states : a form of ‘ peripheral ’ development in which individual economies are dominated by a very small number of cash crops , often the same as those cultivated under the original system of slavery , the income from which is dependent on world commodity prices subject to considerable fluctuation and open to manipulation by metropolitan powers ( Beckford , 1972 ) .
30 Yet , as noted at the beginning of this chapter , the amendments were essentially the same as those put by the previous Labour administration in 1977 but withdrawn in the face of widespread opposition .
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