Example sentences of "[subord] we [vb base] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , retinoic acid is insoluble in water and so would remain where we put it in the limb for some time ; this was important because we already knew that to exert its effect the grafted polarizing region needed more than 12 hours .
2 At these roadshows , we introduced the Group 's Vision and Mission Statement — where we see ourselves in the future and the principals by which we intend to conduct our business .
3 Although we know them in the UK as mushroom corals , the common name of this species is something of a misnomer .
4 No sooner are we out of Eden than we find ourselves in a field stained with a brother 's blood ( 4.1–16 ) .
5 Your cos we put it in the paddock did n't we ?
6 If I turn from the P and L Account to the operating cash flow , er you 've got the F R S One cash flow in your er in your pack in the preliminary announcement obviously , but we er do n't find it terribly helpful , it 's not the way we manage the business so I thought you erm would forgive us if we present it in the way we think it 's a little easier to follow .
7 If we put it in the fridge it will make it go all cold
8 Predation between invertebrates if we confine ourselves in the macro sense and exclude zooplankton feeding invertebrates is mainly due to mobile forms attacking and feeding upon sessile forms .
9 We only know that if we treat it in the right way it will enable us to do wonderful things .
10 We do therefore need to consult with the health authority if we find ourselves in a position where we think we 're no longer going to be able to achieve those targets .
11 I am not arguing therefore that metaphors should not change , but that it is impossible for us to change them organically unless we understand them in the first place .
12 The experimental context in which the behavioural understanding of cognition developed involved such a presupposition : we understand the rat 's or the pigeon 's behavioural repertoire because we see it in the context of a physical layout that we take as given .
13 And I 'd like to explain since we find ourselves in the real world , rather than fantasy land , how we 've approached the subject of client server .
14 When George Abbott , the Archbishop of Canterbury , accidentally shot dead a gamekeeper , Andrewes , as a member of a commission of enquiry , urged his colleagues ‘ Brethren , be not too busy to condemn any for uncanonicles according to the strictness thereof , lest we render ourselves in the same condition . ’
15 Whether we discover them in the landscape or in ourselves , we are imbuing the places concerned with more significance than they would otherwise possess .
16 The year before we put it in the costs of air fares and hotel bills were horrendous . ’
17 Well you see you do that minibus want cleaning up , that blue one or was that clean before we put it in the shed ?
18 And I have no doubt that it wo n't be long before we see him in a Bearcat .
19 How the spelling of the word changes when we use it in a sentence .
20 When we cover something in the lesson , you need to go over it yourself ,
21 If all these gorgeous chaps are going to rally to the standard when we stick it in the salt pot , then I , for one , am going to be as fragrant and petal-soft as a lady in a soap commercial .
22 When we tell them in the , what we say is that erm that very same person came back as a fox , or you know , that very same person came back as er you know ge goose or whatever animal it might be .
23 Perhaps we should not be too surprised when we find ourselves in the new world of quality primary care .
24 DO N'T say we in Northern Ireland do n't know a future winner when we see one in the motor cycling game .
25 However , as we know them in the modern world , there are virtually no middle classes in 1700 .
26 Although there were thousands of lesser and hundreds of brown noddies on Cousin in October , it can not be easy to assess the population size , because with no positive ‘ summer season ’ as we know it in the temperate zones , many birds can be found breeding almost throughout the year .
27 It is true that there is a distinction between art as it is used develop mentally in schools and art as we know it in the world , but for most people is n't art what we knew it as in school ?
28 When computers , as we understand them in a modern sense , first came into use in the early nineteen-fifties , they were huge , expensive and unreliable .
29 This is called dynamic storage allocation because the variables of type PERSON are created as we need them in the program .
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