Example sentences of "[subord] this [be] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although this is convenient for busy human owners , it is too much for the cat to eat at once , unless it is starving — which is rarely the case with well-loved family pets .
2 The process works ( sometimes ) because the immune system can cope with small numbers of viruses , although this was unknown in immunological terms at the time .
3 If this is true of young children it must be even easier for the older child who is in a much better position to discriminate between different types of relationships .
4 If this is true of modern predators and their assemblages , it is even more the case for the fossil record , where information on seasonality , population cycles and so on are not available .
5 It must also be borne in mind that when breeding takes place in an ‘ unsuitable ’ pH than the sex ratio of the fry may be affected — in A.cacatuoides it appears that the more alkaline the water the more males are produced , though I do not know if this is true for other species .
6 And as for defence , ’ he went on , ‘ Britain would be defended by arms manufactured in Germany or France just as well as by arms manufactured in Britain , if this were necessary for good economic reasons . ’
7 If this was true for Stendhal at the beginning of the 19th century , it remains so for increasing numbers of us at the end of the 20th .
8 While this is due in small measure to the axing of TOPS awards and the establishment of new courses leading to post-graduate diplomas which have attracted students who would otherwise have enrolled on a DMS course , the main reason has been the decline in the economy which has resulted in few companies being willing to sponsor students to undertake the course .
9 While this is fine for short items it misses out the real benefits of stylesheets .
10 while this is true in normal-weight subjects , it unfortunately is not true in the obese !
11 Christian Aid staff have been sceptical whether this is appropriate for Christian Aid , with some ( including the LA/C Group ) strongly opposed .
12 Whether this is true in developed countries is yet to be seen : although Ellison 's 1932 study in the United Kingdom is consistent with the results in figure 1 , it preceded immunisation and antibiotics and hence is not comparable in 1992 .
13 The technique did not determine whether this was due to failed propulsion of a swallowed bolus or to a common cavity phenomenon due to transient relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter .
14 Batty was sub , though I do n't whether this was due to inadequate recovery from injury or radical selection tactics .
15 The DES accompanied the report with Circular 11/77 , ‘ The Training of Teachers for Further Education ’ , in which it declared the Secretary of State 's support for the proposals in principle , together with the hope that an early start would be made on their implementation , ‘ so far as this is possible within existing resources ’ .
16 The same sort of alternative explanations can also be brought to bear on the variation in educational attainment that is associated with social class , in so far as this is attributable to educational attainment .
17 Secondly , agency discretion should be limited in so far as this is compatible with efficient operational decisions .
18 One of the aims of the new housing legislation is to increase the amount of rented accommodation available , but as this is dependent on private sector financing it is feared that it will be of greater benefit to the better-off section of the community .
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