Example sentences of "[subord] they [vb mod] [verb] been in " in BNC.

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1 In the May heatwave my feet were considerably cooler and less sweaty than they would have been in leather boots .
2 THE terrifying Jurassic Park dinosaurs were much noisier in the film than they would have been in real life , a scientist said today .
3 Modern tackle has given today 's anglers a great advantage and simple things such as float control are now much easier than they must have been in the silk line and gut era .
4 This order now provides for the full year 's 4.1 per cent increase to be applied from April to the October rates , even though they will have been in place for only six months .
5 They are not linked in other ways , as they might have been in the past , as in mining villages , by other common bonds of interests .
6 There are two types of proposition in Freud 's theory which are not always as clearly distinguished as they might have been in his writing .
7 Sitwell provides an extended description of the gardens as they would have been in Susanna Jennens 's lifetime , a summary of the more interesting volumes in the library , and a general inventory of the house from Dutch paintings to kitchen pewter .
8 In contrast to this static , theatrical production , during the last weekend of the 1988 York Festival the last four mystery plays were re-enacted as they would have been in the fifteenth century .
9 In my position , there was no difficulty in so doing ; for they accepted my reality , and I was as much a mythical creature in their world as they would have been in mine .
10 ‘ But I 'm convinced they wo n't be as confident about coming to Irvinestown as they would have been in previous seasons .
11 The same thing is seen in a more hesitant form on another boy ( fig. 71 ) , and here the very slight tilt and turn of the head are part of a change in the pose of the whole figure , as they must have been in the fair-haired boy also .
12 Despite the numbers of scientists involved , physical geographers have not perhaps been as prominent as they should have been in the investigation of the human impact upon soil systems .
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