Example sentences of "[subord] you [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's if it goes where you want it to that 's hard .
2 Right so you do it on other side and then work out what that comes to , so why did you multiply that side by a hundred ?
3 You ca n't do it with one , it 's too few , and you do n't need three , so you do it with two .
4 Er , she gets that for every ten pounds she 's got to spend , so you multiply it by three point eight , yes ?
5 So you found her after all .
6 This whole scale concept across the entire fretboard is a powerful way of improving your familiarity with the fretboard , although you might not see the full implications of this exercise until you memorise it in all keys .
7 If they have to stay in the trench long enough for new roots to develop , they are not so likely to be damaged if you lift them from loose , friable soil .
8 Yes , it 's , it 's possibly worth mentioning on that as well that , in comparison with the supply based , I mean the existing system is demand based , which is silly , because we have to have fire stations there even if they never go out , if they go out twice a year , we still have to have a fire station in loco , but with the demand based model that 's illustrated in A C C based initiative , it 's based on existing supply , and this authority has a fairly frugal level of supply in comparison with some other authorities , so what happens is that if you apply it to existing supply then we come out quite badly .
9 You 're lucky if you survive them at all . ’
10 But what we ca n't , it 's absolutely but if you write it in all the other divisions have got to do it as well .
11 Perhaps if you heard it in different circumstances , su , you know , surrounded by Chinese people , then maybe you would begin to recognise it .
12 The question " Were you speaking Patois or English just then ? " will not necessarily make a lot of sense to a member of the London Caribbean community , any more than the questions " Why did you say that in Patois ? " or " How would the effect of that be different if you said it in ordinary English ? " .
13 The C can change if you copy it to another column and the C put it to the right the C changes to a D if you put a dollar in front of them both then neither can change .
14 if you hold it in one hand .
15 part of it , have a look at it , Sandra , if you pa if you pass it onto each other and then just say that I think that 's worth getting cos we do have the money now er to start and look at things like that .
16 So even now if you wake me at three o'clock in the morning and sing me one bar of Der Rosenkavalier I will be able to carry on from where you start !
17 and if you got it through this gold card there was another five percent off so or something like that off .
18 People wo n't do anything they 're told if you get them like this , secret police and a few other little dodgers .
19 You can set yourself a maximum bid , having viewed the fish beforehand , and can congratulate yourself if you get it for less .
20 I find I 've found that if you if you get it like that just , you know delete it .
21 If you are making the fish terrine ( see page 120 ) , the trimmings should yield enough extra stock for this soup — particularly if you supplement it with extra bones and fishheads from your fishmonger .
22 There 's no more dangerous animal in the jungle if you surprise him at close quarters . "
23 If you put them under enough pressure , if you run at them , they will crack , but I ca n't be too bolshie about it . ’
24 If you put them to shallow they come up
25 Perfectly normal , kind , well-intentioned people will behave oddly , becoming upset , withdrawn or even vicious , if you put them in certain kinds of unusual situations .
26 So , it 's the difference between audiences : if you put it into one context it 's bad art , you put it into another context , it 's brilliant information .
27 If you put it with that pile of envelopes Mike
28 If you put it like that , zur . ’
29 " If you put it like that , you do n't leave me much choice . "
30 ‘ Ah , well , Master , ’ I smiled , ‘ if you put it like that , of course , it makes sense ! ’
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