Example sentences of "[subord] he [vb past] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Resuming at the short fourth hole , he promptly took a double bogey five , leaving a bunker shot in the sand , and then following it with a six at the fifth , where he hooked into some bushes and had to go back to the tee .
2 Sunderland Council has been praised by the district auditor in his annual appraisal where he pointed to several areas where the council had given value for money .
3 From Westminster Hotel School , Michael Hirst joined Forte in 1964 as an executive trainee , where he worked in several departments of the organisation .
4 Although he succeeded in that task he was surprisingly replaced in mid-summer 1982 by Alan Mullery .
5 These days he felt happier than he had at any time in his life .
6 Bigwig was racing back across the field , looking more agitated than he had at any time since the encounter with Captain Holly .
7 A little over an hour later , Harry felt more in control of events than he had at any time since Heather 's disappearance .
8 He had always considered Sir John a portly , self-indulgent toper , but at this moment the coroner seemed more at ease , sword and dagger in his hands , fighting for his life , than he had at any time since they had met .
9 Had the house actually left the ground , he knew that he could n't have felt more strange than he did at this moment , or more afraid : there was someone here .
10 He 's head of er he 's senior editor of classics at E M I , so he latched onto this sort of , you know
11 Well , the angel Gabriel disguised himself as a poor beggar and walked through the forest until he came to this pear tree .
12 They do , and that 's what they , I mean , but they could also wait until he went round that corner and then go and burgle a house .
13 If he ran in that direction , would he be able to dodge ?
14 I can understand why a kid would kill himself if he went through that sort of experience .
15 What if he came in this evening through a door that was n't there and sat in a chair-shape , reading a paper that had never been printed , saying aloud bits that were only hum and haw again to me ?
16 Gypsy women were chaste before wedlock and Chilcott might have called off the arrangement if he heard of such liberties being taken .
17 She always observed every move he made out of the corner of one eye , though , and if he stirred in any way , even just to stretch or yawn , she would immediately react and flex herself to take defensive action .
18 He said he 'd suffocate if he remained in this house for another hour .
19 If he appeared in that door now , probably none of the girls here would give him a second glance : it 's all long hair and round shoulders now , is n't it , like yesterday 's flowers .
20 If he acted in this way , it was not in order to conform to the customs of his time , for his attitude towards women was quite different from that of his milieu , and he deliberately and courageously broke with it . ’
21 but I know it cos the other week when I had to work till half past eight for Peter , he was having a dinner party and erm we went down there , I had to go shopping with him , he made me die cos he asked me if I 'd work a bit later and I said yeah I need the money , so I 'll work later so er he made me die because he said in this flare up , this argument when when I worked that day , I mean , I worked all day , I had nothing to eat and I could n't eat af , you know , cos of this trouble I could n't eat after
22 You know he yelled at Auntie Lou yesterday because he slipped on that mat in the hall ?
23 No , but I was fascinated by this man because he wanted above all things for us to record the Bartók Music for Strings , Percussion , and Celesta .
24 While he wrote on many aspects of neurology and psychiatry ( which he regarded as ‘ neurology without physical signs ’ ) his major research interest was in multiple sclerosis and he was chairman of the medical panel of the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society and honorary clinical adviser to the MRC Demyelinating Diseases Unit .
25 While he returned from that campaign with greater maturity , even his best friends would never describe him as a man of great ambition .
26 20 But while he thought on these things , behold , the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream , saying , Joseph , thou son of David , fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife : for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost .
27 They kept slipping away , as her father had already slipped away , with no more than a mumbled excuse , to jot down a line of verse that had presented itself while he stood in some abstraction .
28 There used to be a woman sergeant in [ place ] who used to refer to the reserve men as ‘ dick-head reserve men ’ , ‘ fucking idiots ’ , till one day this reserve man says to her , ‘ See that man over there , before he came to this job he was a aircraft technician , [ name ] used to be a chief mechanic .
29 like your neighbour 's before he went on that diet .
30 Even before he learned of this result , de Gaulle had decided , on the basis of first- hand observations during his final trip in December 1960 , that his original association strategy was dead .
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